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Finance and Credit

Real causes of global economic crises and their impact on the Russian economy

Vol. 20, Iss. 42, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 3 November 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 52-70

Manushin D.V. Institute of Economy, Management and Law, Kazan, Russian Federation

The article emphasizes that at the present time, Russia is influenced by multitude of the external factors, which cause emergence of economic crises: the considerable dependence of an economic situation on the global fuel and energy goods prices; continuous decrease in the importance of the Russian fuel and energy goods on the global scene; exclusively defensive positions of our country in the global information war, which is conducted by all large world powers. As a result, the universal opinion on Russia is formed generally by the foreign states. This situation is complicated by the mistrust of potential foreign investors to the Russian partners associated with opacity of domestic policy and high level of corruption in our country, and unwillingness of the world community to transfer innovative and high technologies to the Russian Federation. The author also emphasizes an active counteraction to the attempts to sale hi-tech production samples in the global markets, which are undertaken by the domestic manufacturers, etc. The author identifies two groups of the primary causes, which impact the status of the global and Russian economy - the social and political ones. The paper considers the main driving force of economic crises: the USA neocolonial policy directed at the strengthening of its global influence. The article discusses the problems which have caused strong dependence of the Russian economy on the world powers activities (the USA, the European Union and China) and the international organizations (WTO, IMF, multinational corporations, etc.). The author identifies the new types of crises: "deliberately created global economic crisis" and "intentionally created macroeconomic crisis". The paper calls into question the basic thesis of the standard theory of crises - cyclic nature of crisis. The article points out that the existence of cycles is probably intrinsic to the naturally formed economic crises, and also generated by continuous presence of hidden crisis at the global and macroeconomic levels. The article provides the examples of the waged information wars against the different countries (including the war, which the USA wages against a background of the military conflict in Ukraine). The author proposes to use the Chinese external economic development path, and to create tools to conduct active information wars and to learn how to win in them.

Keywords: reasons, world crises, world economic crisis, Russian economic problems, hidden Russian crisis, information wars, Chinese external economic development path


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