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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Future in debt or debt to the future: dilemma of economic policy today

Vol. 20, Iss. 45, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 1 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 50-57

Sukharev A.N. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Tver branch, Tver, Russian Federation

Subject The subject of the article is to examine the conceptual aspects of welfare redistribution between generations.
     Objectives The purpose of this paper is to show the necessity and possibility (including mechanisms) of income smoothing between generations not only from the present to the future, but also from the future to the present.
     Methods The methodological basis of the study is the formal-logical and system approach to the topic under consideration.
     Results It is possible to use the research results in developing and implementing State strategic planning, developing economic policy in the sphere of public debt management, building and using sovereign funds.
     Conclusions Given that the future well-being should be higher than it is today, it is necessary to raise the issue and develop mechanisms for possible partial transformation of the future well-being of today's society. In this context, I introduce the notion of deferred expenses and demonstrate the need to maintain a register. It is reasonable to measure deferred expenses not only in absolute terms (in nominal and real figures), but also against the GDP. It is necessary to compare the growth rates of accumulated deferred expenses with the growth rates of GDP and per capita GDP depending on the nature of funds invested in future by the society. I have formulated the condition of possible realization of deferred expenses: the long-term increment rate of accumulated deferred expenses should be less or equal to the long-term rate of economic growth. One of the means of redistributing income from the future to the present is an increase in payments (pensions) to the older generations. The level of these payments should correspond to pension payments of conditional next generation (based on per capita income that will be in 30 years), and pension payments to this generation, in turn, should correspond to pension payments of the next generation, and so on.

Keywords: economic growth, future generation, GDP, redistribution, sovereign fund


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