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Finance and Credit

The status and perspectives for past due debt under conditions of slackening economic growth rates

Vol. 21, Iss. 1, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 8 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 40-49

Yusupova O.A. Omsk State Transport University, Omsk, Russian Federation

The article provides a detailed analysis of overdue debt indicators in the assets of the Russian banking sector. This is conditioned by the growing share of poor-quality loans in banks' credit portfolios. They lead to increasing number of bad loans, which entail substantial losses. In part, the increase relates to adoption of a set of measures aimed at levelling the consequences of geopolitical tension and economic sanctions of the West against Russia. The author examines the relationship between changes in the indicators of loan indebtedness and outstanding debt broken down by types of loans, and identifies the current trends for each type of loan. A separate part of the analysis deals with the assessment of past due debt in the country's leading banks that have the largest loan portfolios and determine the asset quality of the entire banking sector. The author gives particular attention to analyzing data on past due debt on loans pooled in the portfolio of homogeneous loans, which have the highest risk of loss due to a simplified mechanism of creating loan loss provision. To identify hidden factors of potential risk along with the obvious ones, the author establishes a correlation between the mechanism of loan inclusion in the portfolio or exclusion of homogeneous loans from the portfolio and the past due debt indicators. The article reveals the reasons of accelerated growth of past due debt, including aggressive increase in the portfolio of unsecured loans in previous years, declined real incomes of the population, exclusion of the public sector of economy from the drivers of retail loan portfolio growth. The author concludes that one of the ways to overcome these difficulties is to immediately adopt statutory regulations on past due debt monitoring and recovery.

Keywords: credit, risk, past due debt, overdue, arrears, portfolio, homogeneous loans, population, real incomes


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