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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Electronic banking security: a service and a responsibility of a bank

Vol. 21, Iss. 8, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 15 February 2015

Subject Heading: Banking

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-10

Revenkov P.V. Odintsovo Humanitarian University, Odintsovo, Russian Federation

Berdyugin A.A. Odintsovo Humanitarian University, Odintsovo, Russian Federation

Importance The article considers the current conditions of electronic banking systems introduction. The study includes the key figures of activity of the population in the sphere of using electronic financial and payment services in Russia. We emphasize that favorable conditions will contribute to the development of remote banking service technologies in general and electronic banking systems in particular.
     Objectives The objective is to consider the problem of security of electronic banking from the position of a bank and a customer (on the basis of economic component).
     Methods We analyzed the cause and effect of applying e-banking systems and emerging challenges for supervisors.
     Results We identified the most severe problems in electronic banking regulation that relate to imperfect regulatory framework governing the process of electronic banking services delivery, reduction in reliability and stability of credit institutions, as well as weakened control on the part of regulatory authorities. To solve these problems, we identified major tasks in the regulation of safe use of electronic banking systems, i.e. timely update of regulatory framework, adaptation of control over reliability of banking automated systems to the conditions of remote banking services, improving supervision over safe use of electronic banking systems, and continuous improvement of the quality of training of regulatory and control bodies in risk management under conditions of electronic banking. We describe specific threats to information security in electronic banking and the main tasks of the new science, i.e. forensics (computer forensic science). We offer the most effective punishment for cyber criminals in the sphere of information security. We consider the problem of electronic banking security from the position of a credit institution and a customer. The conclusion is that the process of information security in electronic banking services delivery should be comprehensive and continuous. In this case, customers may choose the level of protection of their operations carried out through electronic banking systems based on associated risks (including the maximum amount of money that can be lost).
     Conclusions and Relevance We identified the most pressing problems in the field of electronic banking regulation and proposed to ensure the level of security based on associated risks for the customer.

Keywords: electronic banking, risks, information security, banking services


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