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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

The system of assessing the quality of service and sales in banking institutions

Vol. 21, Iss. 8, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 15 February 2015

Subject Heading: Banking

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 11-17

Krishtal' G.A. Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kiev, Ukraine

Importance The transition to market economy fundamentally changes the substance of banks' activities. The issues of banking service efficiency increase and quality improvement, the use of modern management techniques and product mix expansion become particularly important. Banking service quality control is one of the main tools of the quality management system. The article highlights major challenges of the comprehensive expert assessment of banking service quality, identifies all aspects that have an impact on customer satisfaction and supply of objective up-to-date information to bank management.
     Objectives The purpose of the article is to define the concepts of service and sales quality, to make a comparative analysis of quality management systems, and provide recommendations on service and sales quality improvement in banking institutions.
     Methods In the paper, using econometric techniques, I have analyzed various aspects of bank management as it pertains to control and assessment of customer service quality, identified the most effective quality management systems of banking products and services sale.
     Results The problems of assessing the quality of banking products and services have been discussed in the works of famous scientists like R. Ackoff, I. Ansoff, H. Bolt, Witte, E. Dihtl, P. Drucker, B. King, F. Kotler, E. Koflan, D. Lehmann, M. Sullivan, G. Stewart, L. Stern, D. Evans, and others. However, these problems are so complex and multi-faceted, that not all of them have been studied quite extensively. One of these problems is to improve the quality of care and further management in banks. It is necessary to use international experience for further development of the banking services market under present conditions. The main areas of the development include awareness of the transition of competitive relations to a qualitatively new and other than price level, and willingness to apply new methods to improve the quality of banking services. The specifics of service quality in banking institutions require in-depth and systematic study and developing ways for improvement.
     Conclusions and Relevance The results of the study include the following findings and areas of further work to improve the quality of banks' customer service: (1) regular monitoring the quality of customer service using tools like Market Survey and Mystery Shopping; (2) constant customer focus, because banking institutions depend on their customers and, therefore, should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed their expectations; (3) at the present stage of customer service improvement, banks need to develop a system of indicators that logically reflects the entire life cycle of the customer - bank relation in the context of service provision. These indicators include a sales quality factor reflecting the level of quality promotion of banking services; a quality factor of support to the customer reflecting how easy the customer can use the service; a quality factor of the lender reflecting the economic efficiency of the bank from the sale of services. These coefficients enable to determine the current quality of banking services and help to improve them.

Keywords: bank, quality, service, sales, service delivery, customer


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