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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Creating and strengthening positive motivation of a debtor as a way to increase the efficiency of debt collection and to strengthen economic security

Vol. 21, Iss. 8, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 15 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 18-30

Skoblikov P.A. Academy of Management of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Effective debt collection is an important condition of smooth functioning of any business entity and member of civil transactions. The relevance of this condition is growing during crisis developments in the economy. Accordingly, the object of the research is the relationship of debtors and creditors. The subject is a motivation of non-performing debtors.
     Objectives The study included two main objectives: to identify and systematize the basic positive motives of a debtor, consideration of which by creditors (debt collectors) could help to optimize the recovery of distressed debt; to model and describe a universal psychological mechanism for effective recovery of debts by banks and other lenders, which is based on the analysis and integration of motivational sphere of a non-performing debtor.
     Methods The empirical basis of the research were the materials of pre-investigation inspections, criminal and civil cases related to debtors' default on their obligations; interviews with employees of banks and other commercial organizations (from the units dealing with troubled debt, legal and economic security services) and law enforcement officials; data obtained from a third-party monitoring of relationships of debtors and creditors, and other sources. In addition, the study includes a third-party and participant observation, examination of documents, interviews with debtors, selection of focus-group participants and their interviewing (specialists working with debtors), mental simulation, mental experiment, real experiment, systems analysis, comparison, synthesis, and other scientific methods.
     Results The article provides a universal psychological mechanism of effective debt collection by banks and other lenders, which bases on the analysis and integration of motivational sphere of a non-performing debtor. I described and systematized typical positive motives of debtors, the role of negative motivation of debtors, illustrated the relationship of unidirectional and polar motives, and proposed recommendations on either building or strengthening positive motives.
     Conclusions and Relevance The recommendations enable to optimize management of accounts receivable of business entities, to improve the efficiency of efforts to recover distressed debt, as well as to strengthen economic security of the country.

Keywords: distressed debt, debtor's motives, effective debt recovery, economic security, criminal acts


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