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Finance and Credit

RETRACTED: Self-learning organizations in economy: nature, characteristic features and quality parameters

Retraction reason: Redundant publication. The author/contributor list has been changed. The article has been published in Journal: Link
The article retraction was innitiated by the journal editor.
Retraction date: October 26, 2018


Vol. 21, Iss. 8, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 15 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 48-60

Salikhov B.V. Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Salikhova I.S. Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russian Federation

The subject of the study is the imperative of formation and development of a self-learning organization as a relevant form of a corporation in the modern knowledge economy. In this regard, the research goal is to identify and substantiate the key qualitative properties of a self-learning economic organization, which will enable to outline the general vector of creating such organizations in the modern national economy. This is achieved by formulating and solving a number of consistent theoretical and methodological, scientific and practical problems. First of all, the article explores and defines the essence of a self-learning organization. Based on the comparative analysis of a self-learning, a usual learning and a traditional organization, we identified and characterized the basic classification features of a self-learning organization and offered integrated quality parameters of this organization. The methodological basis of the provisions and conclusions of the article is a system paradigm, within which we apply an interdisciplinary approach to the study of nature and characteristics of the socio-economic content of a self-learning organization. The main result of the study is the provision on the need to develop a corporate research and educational system in the form of in-house cognitive sector dealing with expanded reproduction of implicit incommunicable knowledge as a basis of the core competencies of a firm. The novelty is the conclusion that in the present conditions, socio-economic stability and economic development of an economic entity become a direct function of its ability to self-reproduce basic and key competences, as today the corporate research and educational competence of how to create products is competing more than innovative products. The article details the socioeconomic genotype of a self-learning organization, which is a system of meanings and values of creative innovation mental models. The article has particular theoretical and methodological significance for further development of the concept of a self-learning organization in the modern economy. In addition, the proposed classification features and quality parameters of these organizations are the basis for modern business leaders' practice in establishing and developing in-house corporate research, educational and methodological business units.

Keywords: self-learning organization, learning organization, knowledge economy, socio-economic genotype, implicit knowledge, core competence, quality parameters, reproductive cycle, innovation, form, integrated intellectual capital, research, educational, methodological, business, leadership capital, cognitive corporate sector, corporate self-learning brand, cognitive enterprise


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ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 30, Iss. 6
June 2024
