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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

The opportunism of geo-financial policy as a form of global competition

Vol. 21, Iss. 10, MARCH 2015

Available online: 9 March 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 27-36

Glukhov V.V. Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Ostanin V.A. Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Rozhkov Yu.V. Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Krai, Russian Federation

The article points out that political, socio-economic, and other processes at the end of the 20th century not only provoked the deformation of national economies of many countries, but also intensified the completion of supranational financial institutions with their specific tools. Under the conditions of globalization and internationalization of economic relations, the new economic space is evolving, which is contrasted by the rudimentary aspiration to independence and autonomy of modern States. The expanding geo-economic processes of global level have resulted in updating the traditional monetary and financial relations and emergence of new forms of money. The volumes of flow of capital, goods, and services have increased. Innovative financial services and adequate tools have emerged. Liberalization of access of foreign capital to national financial and credit markets have occurred, and international collective currencies and other facilities have appeared. At the same time, the world economic science has not developed a holistic theory, which would disclose the essence of geo-finance. The authors emphasize that financial globalization has led to considerable strengthening and growth of the global payment system institution with its basket of reserve currencies recognized by the financial and economic community. The importance of national currencies remains so far, but their volume in financial cross-border transactions is gradually decreasing. The globalization has seriously affected various areas of activity of the majority of the countries, acted as a catalyst of the world financial architecture modification, and resulted in the new forms and subjects of economic relations, transformation of directions and mechanisms of cash flow movements, and creation of fundamentally new institutional environment reflecting the influence of internationalization processes of national economies. We performed an analysis of economic behavior of the main actors of the geo-financial policy, which enabled to identify and describe the activity of the main geo-finance entities implementing their private or public economic policies. The paper analyses both the intra-country and inter-country financial relations, which have radically changed under the impact of globalization process. This caused the formation of the new economic category of geo-finance. We considered the controversial problems of geo-finance formation and development. The paper reveals the essence of opportunistic behavior of large countries and multinational corporations, which are actively using the geo-financial market as an arena of competitive struggle for further repartition of the world.

Keywords: globalization, geo-economy, geo-finance, policy, market opportunism, geo-competition


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