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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Trends in the banking system development of the Volga Federal District

Vol. 21, Iss. 15, APRIL 2015

Available online: 19 April 2015

Subject Heading: Banking

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 22-30

Krivosheev D.V. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation

Importance The economic crisis increased the urgency of the problem of regional banking system's sustainability.
     Objectives The objectives of the research are to identify major trends in the banking system of the Volga Federal District and develop recommendations on improving the efficiency of regional commercial banks' operations.
     Methods Based on econometric methods, I analyzed different indicators characterizing the activity of regional banks of the Volga Federal District.
     Results The paper analyzes the current state of the banking system of the Volga Federal District and identifies its development trends related to enhancing competition in the regional markets of banking services, growing banking risks caused by the toughened requirements of the Central Bank of Russia, and Russia's accession to the WTO. I have considered the key indicators of the banking system of the Volga Federal District, including the number of independent regional commercial banks and their branches, dynamics of assets and liabilities and their structure, and the dynamics of revenues and profitability of the banks. The analysis resulted in the recommendations on possible gain in performance of regional commercial banks based on more extensive use of marketing tools.
     Conclusions and Relevance I conclude that in modern conditions of the Russian banking business development, regional banks have relatively small volumes of assets. The return on assets of the regional banking systems is significantly lower as compared to major banks of capital cities. In addition, there is a constant decrease in the number of regional banks. The application of the obtained results is possible, if regional banks identify strategic areas of their development aimed at their competitiveness enhancement.

Keywords: banking system, Volga Federal District, analysis, trends, regional commercial bank, banking services market, market niche, assets, profitability


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Vol. 30, Iss. 6
June 2024
