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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Competitive ability of Russia: a review of country ratings and growth direction from the perspective of finance

Vol. 21, Iss. 15, APRIL 2015

Available online: 19 April 2015

Subject Heading: Financial system

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 31-41

Khotinskaya G.I. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject The increasing competitiveness of Russia and Russian companies is an absolute strategic priority, which is important for positioning the Russian business in the national and global markets. The solution to this problem largely depends on national business conditions (including financial) and the international position of Russia in terms of competitiveness. The analysis of country-specific ratings enables to identify problem areas and, accordingly, the points of growth. The subject of the research is a combination of financial and economic relations that determine the competitiveness of Russian business.
     Objectives The aim of the research is a search for ways to improve Russian economic (financial) environment in order to enhance the competitiveness of the country and Russian companies in the national and global markets.
     Methods The basis of the applied methodology is the system analysis as a scientific method for studying macro-and micro-processes, including generalization and systematization of global researches that characterize the country's competitiveness of Russia.
     Results Based on the results of the study, I have created a matrix of strengths and weaknesses of Russia's competitiveness. This enabled me to propose measures for improving the domestic financial environment.
     Conclusions and Relevance The modern Russian theory and practice in the sphere of competitiveness are built mainly by marketers who traditionally underestimate financial instruments. Meanwhile, the focus on financial instruments allows identifying many competitive advantages, first of all, the sustainable ones that are associated with the presence of high business reputation, human capital, proprietary solutions and know-how, and long-term relationships with customers. Foreign companies successfully use these and other tools in order to enhance competitiveness in global markets. However, as yet their use in the Russian practice has been insufficient. The research results may be useful for creating a competitive business environment that is adequate to the national strategic priority. They also may be applied in science and education.

Keywords: competitiveness, country rating, growth areas, finance


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