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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

The concept of the method of individual customer creditworthiness assessment

Vol. 21, Iss. 24, JUNE 2015

Available online: 25 June 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 45-53

Romanyuk K.A. Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Subject Over the past years, the consumer lending sector has been actively developed. Only in 2011 and 2012, it grew by 35.9 and 39.4 percent respectively; this exceeds the growth indicator in other areas of banking. In particular, the corporate lending sector for the same years grew by 26 and 12.7 percent respectively. This trend necessitates the development of methods and tools enabling to reduce the information asymmetry and, therefore, credit default risk.
     Objectives The objective was to develop a concept of the method for efficient assessment of creditworthiness of individuals. The efficiency of the required assessment is determined as the sum of the cost of gathering and analyzing the information about a potential borrower and the cost of insufficient accuracy of the assessment.
     Methods I compared some practical methods of assessing the creditworthiness of individuals.
     Results Taking into account the advantages of statistical and expert methods, I have presented the concept for developing the methods and tools to assess the population's creditworthiness based on the fuzzy set theory. The concept considers the influence of technological progress. I provide rationale for the choice of the fuzzy set theory as a priority direction of research when developing methods for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals. I have analyzed the current situation in the Russian consumer credit market. Recently, the consumer lending sector has faced a growth. The study shows the influence of information asymmetry on the consumer credit market. It also demonstrates a potential for commercial banks in the sphere of cost cutting from the analysis of information on a potential borrower and from the insufficient accuracy of the analysis results.
     Conclusions and Relevance I propose using the findings to develop the system of support to decision-making when assessing the creditworthiness of individuals in commercial banks. I also provide a plan for further studies. It is quite feasible to implement the plan and apply the obtained results in commercial bank for assessing the creditworthiness of individual customers.

Keywords: solvency, creditworthiness, information asymmetry, private customer, individual, fuzzy sets


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