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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

A reproduction role of small business taxation in developing economies

Vol. 21, Iss. 45, DECEMBER 2015

Received: 10 August 2015

Accepted: 26 August 2015

Available online: 15 December 2015

Subject Heading: FISCAL SYSTEM

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 44-53

Novikova E.P. Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Krasnodar Krai, Russian Federation

Subject The purpose of small business taxation is to tackle the dual problem in the reproduction process, i.e. provision of revenue base of budgets and institutional differentiation of entrepreneurial initiatives in the market environment of import-substituting business.
     Objectives The aims are to identify the most problematic areas of small business taxation in the Russian economy, and to define the contours of efficient interaction between the control subsystem of imperative finance and small businesses.
     Methods The study rests on the methods of statistical data processing, conceptual reflection of objective economic reality, structural and logical representation of systems and sub-systems of financial institutions.
     Results I reveal disproportions in the spatial-temporal organization of small businesses functioning that are manifested in the domination of industries with a relatively low potential for innovative development. The findings will provide small business with institutions of tax relations enabling to realize competitive advantages of small enterprises in the modern Russian economy.
     Conclusions The logic of the modern system of small business taxation is still within the obsolescent paradigm of comprehensive mitigation of the imperative financial burden. This acts as a limiting factor in the development of innovative business segments. At the same time, the budgets of different levels of the financial system do not fully realize the financial potential of interaction with small businesses.

Keywords: taxation, reproduction, financial institutions, innovation technologies


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