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Finance and Credit

Trans-Pacific Partnership as a basis for a package of trade agreements of the United States to create a new contour of macroeconomic management

Vol. 22, Iss. 5, FEBRUARY 2016

Received: 23 October 2015

Accepted: 12 November 2015

Available online: 12 February 2016


JEL Classification: E44, F20, F21, F29, F37

Pages: 2-11

Loginov E.L. Market Economy Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Loginova V.E. Market Economy Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject The article discusses new aspects of world economy development that significantly change the conditions of economic advancement of Russia.
     Objectives The aim is to analyze the financial and economic policy of the United States implemented through the formation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership being an element of the package of U.S. trade agreements, and the creation of a new contour of macroeconomic management of the world economy.
     Methods We analyze the mechanism of extending the contour of operating the mass of commodities and the service package for temporary balancing the financial pyramid accumulated by the U.S. Federal Reserve System.
     Results The paper investigates the situation when the USA create a new extended contour of management that goes above the earlier displayed zone of American economic influence in the world economy to operate investments, goods and services in the form of a quasi-integrated package of trade and economic agreements, i.e. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Trade in Services Agreement (TISÀ).
     Conclusions and Relevance The analysis of economic characteristics of the current stage of global economy development indicates that the said package of trade and economic agreements (TPP, TTIP, TISA) creates a threat of displacing Russia and its EEU partners (including BRICS and SCO partners) from the existing field of sovereign foreign economic operations. The revealed new features of the U.S. macroeconomic strategy may be used for improving action strategies of the legislative and executive authority of Russia, and within economic unions where our country has membership.

Keywords: Trans-Pacific Partnership, global economy, United States, crisis, management


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