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Finance and Credit

The basic tools of government regulation of the interaction between real and financial sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation

Vol. 22, Iss. 6, FEBRUARY 2016

Received: 29 September 2015

Accepted: 19 October 2015

Available online: 19 February 2016


JEL Classification: E44, E52, E58, G18, G28

Pages: 37-51

Krylov A.A. Russian Agricultural Bank, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Makarova V.A. National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Subject The article considers the most important government measures to regulate the real and financial sectors of the Russian economy, which intend to encourage the interaction of these sectors and overall business development in the country.
     Objectives The main objective is to analyze the adequacy and practicality of current government measures, and propose incentives for the synergy effect between the real and financial sectors under current tough economic situation to strengthen the country's economic potential.
     Methods We perform an analysis of existing government measures aimed at boosting the real and financial sectors of the Russian economy and their efficiency under the current macroeconomic conditions.
     Results We suggest seven possible steps to increase the interaction between the sectors to strengthen the country's economy.
     Conclusions and Relevance The findings show that not all measures are effective, and some of them are rarely used. For instance, government subsidies to enterprises through banks and lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Their application is limited in the first case due to red-tapism, and in the second case due to impossibility to realize SMEs lending on arm's length terms. The results of the research may be useful for State regulatory authorities to adjust the existing measures for boosting the real and financial sectors.

Keywords: government regulation, State support, real economy, financial sector, interest rates


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Vol. 30, Iss. 6
June 2024
