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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Relevant conservative financial tools for private investors in Russia

Vol. 22, Iss. 13, APRIL 2016

Received: 19 January 2016

Accepted: 17 February 2016

Available online: 15 April 2016

Subject Heading: INVESTING

JEL Classification: D14, G11, G12, G21

Pages: 45-54

Glukhikh P.L. Institute of Economics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Korotin A.E. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Importance Low investment activity in Russia necessitates the promotion of national conservative financial instruments that are capable to create potential for private capital attraction, which will stimulate the Russian economy. The article considers deposits and federal loan bonds of the Russian Federation as the most profitable financial tools for private investors in Russia.
Objectives The aim is to choose an optimal financial tool meeting all requirements and needs of private investors in Russia.
Methods We performed a detailed comparative analysis of financial tools involved in the financial market of the Russian Federation using the theoretical cognition method, and considered important practical aspects under universal logical methods.
Results We developed proposals for private investments in Russia for 2016, taking into account qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the most relevant conservative financial tools, which are able to ensure attractive rate of return at minimal risk level.
Conclusions and Relevance Potential implementation of private investment strategies, using the said financial tools in the form of bank deposits or federal loan bonds of the Russian Federation will have a positive impact on both the nature and volume of private investment in Russia.

Keywords: investment, yield, finance


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Vol. 30, Iss. 6
June 2024
