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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Money circulation laws. Have all the laws been discovered?

Vol. 22, Iss. 34, SEPTEMBER 2016

Received: 1 August 2016

Received in revised form: 17 August 2016

Accepted: 31 August 2016

Available online: 22 September 2016


JEL Classification: А11, В12, G21, H12, O23

Pages: 51-60

Skoblikov E.A. Foundation for Financial Initiatives, Penza, Russian Federation

Importance It is impossible to develop an economy and successfully overcome crisis phenomena without knowing objective laws of money circulation. However, scholars have discovered the one law only, i.e. the law of money in circulation. Therefore it is very crucial for the entire economics to discover all laws of money circulation and the way those laws work in the current conditions.
Objectives The research shows that money circulation is also governed with other objective laws, rather than the law of money in circulation only.
Methods All aspects of money circulation laws are investigated with historical, abstract and logic methods. They are verified in practice through a systems approach. It opens and explains a variety of changes and transformations in money circulation.
Results I obtained theoretically significant results. Economy is subject to nine laws of money circulation, i.e. laws of applicability, governmental control priority, amount of money in circulation, non-exclusion, concentration, globalization, circulation stabilization, planned nature and early loan issue. The article demonstrates how those laws work and the way they should be enforced. This creates a necessary scientific platform for further theoretical and practical researches on this area.
Conclusions and Relevance If the laws have been discovered and the society relies on this knowledge, then it has an understanding of the way how we should ensure the economic advancement and prosperity, alleviate or prevent crisis phenomena and shocks at all.

Keywords: money circulation laws, money substance, economic laws


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