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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

The ethics of economic management: Secular and religious aspects

Vol. 22, Iss. 43, NOVEMBER 2016

Received: 17 October 2016

Received in revised form: 31 October 2016

Accepted: 14 November 2016

Available online: 30 November 2016

Subject Heading: SCHOLAR DISPUTE

JEL Classification: D63, E24, I39, N30

Pages: 46-60

Kozlova S.B. Prefecture of Southern Administrative Okrug of Moscow, Department for Economy and Development, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject The article considers the relationship between spiritual and moral justification of the economy and the basic needs of business entities.
Objectives The paper aims to identify major contradictions of secular and religious spiritual factors in the economy, and to determine the conditions for the integration of economic ethics and Christian ethics.
Methods A comparative historical analysis is the main method of the research.
Results The paper identifies particular ethics views, ideas and attitude towards economy and business from the positions of economic materialism and Christian philosophy. It describes the moral judgment in relation to labor, property, wealth, poverty, inequality, and other economic phenomena and developments proposed by economic and religious ethics. I suggest considering spiritual and moral values as integrating ones for the effect of specific economic and Christian moral standards in the business sphere.
Conclusions Understanding the business and management as phenomena of spiritual life is associated with a specific identity value, i.e. retaining the human dignity (intrinsic merit) and proving its ability to influence economic developments not only from the perspective of pecuniary gain but also as a moral entity capable to perform a positive act of volition against immoral phenomena. The human dignity is seen as a link between the two ethics, because the actions of economic agents, if motivated by the highest value, become morally desirable and play a constructive role in the formation of the ‘social nature’ of a human being.

Keywords: economic materialism, Christian ethics, institutionalism, freedom, human dignity


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