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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Savings in the mechanism of household income transformation into investment

Vol. 23, Iss. 16, APRIL 2017

Received: 27 February 2017

Received in revised form: 14 March 2017

Accepted: 28 March 2017

Available online: 2 May 2017

Subject Heading: INVESTING

JEL Classification: E21, E22

Pages: 949-957


Takmakova E.V. Orel State University, Orel, Russian Federation

Spasskaya N.V. Orel State University, Orel, Russian Federation

Subject The subject of the study is household income as a source of investment.
Objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze statistical data to unveil major problems in the balance between the specific weight of gross savings and specific weight of gross accumulating in GDP, interfering the enhancement of the role of household savings as a source of investment, and to develop solutions.
Methods To analyze the process of household savings transformation into investment, we use a set of economic and statistical factors, including GDP in current values, gross accumulation, gross savings, cash expenses of the population and their structure.
Results We formulate major problems that prevent from enhancing the role of personal savings as a source of investment. To increase household savings, it is necessary to concentrate efforts on State regulation of this process in three strategic areas: to implement the measures offered by the State earlier and aimed at increasing real cash incomes of the population and reducing wealth disparity; to lower inflation rates noticeably; to monitor other savings process.
Conclusions Low level of household income and its high differentiation preclude from saving a share of income necessary and sufficient for ensuring high rates of investment activity.

Keywords: household savings, gross savings, household income, investment


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Vol. 30, Iss. 6
June 2024
