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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Developing a methodology to assess the financial market security based on the actor-network theory

Vol. 26, Iss. 10, OCTOBER 2020

Received: 19 June 2020

Received in revised form: 1 September 2020

Accepted: 14 September 2020

Available online: 29 October 2020

Subject Heading: Financial system

JEL Classification: G7, G38, H11, O16

Pages: 2268–2289


Loktionova E.A. Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU), Irkutsk, Russian Federation


Subject. The article addresses problems related to assessing the level of the national financial market security in condition of strengthening the inter-system connections between financial and non-financial sectors of the economy.
Objectives. The aim is to develop a methodology to assess the security of the national financial market through the application of the actor-network theory approach to the analysis of occurring processes.
Methods. The study rests on methodologies of the actor-network theory and the theory of complex adaptive systems.
Results. The study underpins the applicability of the actor-network theory for assessing the financial market security. It highlights the system properties of the financial market that determine the level of its security, i.e. structural complexity, functioning efficiency, sensitivity, and adaptability. It also offers an approach to assessing the security of the financial market.
Conclusions. The proposed approach to assessing the security of financial market function will enable to develop priorities of its reform by the market regulator and the professional community, through early identification of risks and threats caused by the increasing role of the financial market in the socio-economic development, and the interpenetration of financial and non-financial economic sectors.

Keywords: financial market, security, efficiency, adaptability, actor-network theory


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