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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Evaluating the compliance of modern electronic banking and digital cryptocurrency systems with the information society's requirements

Vol. 27, Iss. 1, JANUARY 2021

Received: 12 November 2020

Received in revised form: 26 November 2020

Accepted: 10 December 2020

Available online: 28 January 2021


JEL Classification: E42, F01, F24, O32, O33

Pages: 88–112


Ekaterina I. DYUDIKOVA North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), Stavropol, Russian Federation


Natal'ya N. KUNITSYNA North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), Stavropol Russian Federation


Subject. The digital economy emerged as a new generation of financial instruments, such as cryptocurrencies, were invented and proliferated, which were able to counteract global challenges. Those who oppose to the legitimization of digital assets and their integration into the payment infrastructure do not point out material advantages and support drastic transformations of the existing financial system. However, assuming very risky digital payments, the scope of cruptocurrency still grows. The article presents the outcome of intellectual text analysis of feedback left by users of electronic banking and digital cryptocurrency systems. Doing so, we determined to what extent they are satisfied with various systems.
Objectives. The study is intended to provide the theoretical and methodological rationale for, and practically test the model that determines key themes in analyzable non-structured big data and allows to automatically evaluate the satisfaction of users with various payment systems.
Methods. We resorted to the formal logic, systems approach, methods of comparative analysis, text mining and latent semantic analysis.
Results. We analyzed reviews uploaded to www.banki.ru and www.otzovik.ru through parsing, stop word elimination, stemming, probabilistic thematic modeling based on the latent semantic analysis. We assessed to what extent users are satisfied with various systems by examining their reviews through the text tone analysis, the k-nearest neighbor algorithm and automated scoring of unrated reviews.
Conclusions and Relevance. Text mining of unstructured big data shows that digital platforms, notwithstanding their infancy and high risks, already mostly satisfy social needs as compared to electronic banking systems, which determines the reasonableness of integrating them into the payment system to unlock their potential.

Keywords: text mining, cryptocurrency, modeling, digital systems, electronic systems


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ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
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Vol. 30, Iss. 6
June 2024
