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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Improving the non-monetary asset evaluation technique in financial statements

Vol. 17, Iss. 34, SEPTEMBER 2014

Available online: 6 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 29-44

Velichkovskii A.V. Crone Company, LTD, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Non-monetary assets have two distinctive features: at the time of their recognition there is no information about specific amount of money, which will be generated from the use of these assets, and about the time, when the assets are converted into money. The uncertainty of the amount of economic benefits expected from the use of non-monetary assets makes their evaluation one of the most pressing matters in the theory and practice of accounting. In the professional literature dealing with accounting theory, financial statements analysis and companies' valuation authors indicate a poor comparability and low information content of estimates in the balance sheet, which result from the use of various valuation techniques according to specific usage pattern of particular assets. The aim of the study is to develop an evaluation technique for non-monetary assets that can contribute to solving the problems related to their value determination. The author has analyzed the existing theoretical approaches and practical application of asset valuation techniques of the International Financial Reporting Standards and identified the parameters of techniques that can be updated to improve the results. The non-monetary asset valuation technique offered in this article involves the methods of mathematical statistics, such as grouping and calculation of generalizing indicators. The author has developed a non-monetary asset evaluation technique in accounting, which is based on a comprehensive approach to evaluation. The comprehensive approach enables to qualify company assets in terms of their ability to generate profit if used jointly. The offered approach to non-monetary asset evaluation enables to improve the comparability of balance sheet indicators, as well as the overall information content of financial statements.

Keywords: assets, uncertainty, risk, market, sale, price, investment, cash flow, fair value, value in use, net selling price, valuation


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Vol. 27, Iss. 7
July 2024
