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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Integrated reporting and its audit: the current state and development trends

Vol. 17, Iss. 41, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 20 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 41-49

Shamonin N.N. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation

At the turn of the market economy development in the Russian Federation, large holdings, concerns and financial industrial groups appear. They combine production, financial and human resources and seek to maximize profit, to use material resources more efficiently, as well as to minimize costs. Consolidated companies generate various types of reports. The users of the reports are public authorities, credit institutions, potential investors, etc. In this regard, it is apparent that the amount of information for management purposes has increased significantly, and the information has become more diverse. The existing reporting system often does not have inter-linkages it terms of logic and consistency. It requires serious efforts to find the right data from both investors and company management, which increases transaction costs. To eliminate this problem it is necessary to develop a tool that would be easy to control and regulate. This tool is integrated reporting, which implies conducting integrated audit. The aim of the work is to determine the need to generate integrated reporting in consolidated profit-making organizations, as well as its effective use based on international experience. The author focuses on perfecting the audit of settlements of consolidated commercial organizations on taxes and charges. Using the methods of comparative and systematic analysis, the author describes the specifics of the audit of integrated financial statements and makes proposals for its further development. The study has identified that integrated financial statements have significant advantages as compared to traditional ones. However, in practice, the mechanism of financial statements generation is at its early stage of development. Given that at present the boundaries of national economies begin to blur, and the world enters the global competitive environment, this factor determines the need to develop the audit of integrated financial statements. The most important element of integrated financial statements is reports on taxes and charges. The audit of taxes and charges enables not only to increase cash inflows to budget and to reduce the risk of tax penalties, but also to exercise control over divisions of integrated companies, which generate source information on business operations.

Keywords: economy, consolidated company, integrated, reporting, financial statements, performance, auditing, taxes, profit development


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