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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Methodological aspects of applying analytical procedures in auditing the balneal and mud therapy inventories of the Crimean resort and recreation centers

Vol. 18, Iss. 5, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 18 April 2015

Subject Heading: AUDIT ACTIVITY

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 51-62

Burdyug N.V. Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation

Importance Whereas almost all major resort and recreation centers of the Crimea provide mud treatment and therapy services, audit of balneal and mud therapy inventories gains special relevance. Auditing always involves analytical procedures that should consider the specifics of accounting for balneal and mud therapy inventories of resort and recreation centers. In this respect, as the objective of the article, it is necessary to comprehensively study and examine how the analytical procedures are applied in auditing the balneal and mud therapy inventories.
     Methods The research utilizes general scientific (analysis, synthesis), statistical methods (grouping, coefficients), and the point rating method.
     Results The research generates the following results: an analysis of definitions of analytical procedures as set forth in regulatory documents and economic literature; detailed description of the specifics in applying analytical procedures to audits of entities' balneal and mud therapy inventories (per area, purpose and scope of application, audit phase, nature, type of analytical procedures, sources of information and nature of information support); methods for quantitative evaluation of the quality of analytical procedures applied to audit balneal and mud inventories through the point rating method. Materials and recommendations presented herein may be useful and practicable for resort and recreation centers of the Crimea and Russian Federation offering mud therapy services. The material and recommendations may also come in handy for auditing firms conducting such engagements and assignments.
     Conclusions and Relevance I make a detailed conclusion on the specifics of applying analytical procedures to audit balneal and mud therapy inventories and the need to have a quantitative evaluation of the audit quality since the quantitative evaluation is more accurate thus allowing to detect troubled accounting areas, which the auditor should pay special attention to in performing the analytical procedures. I determine paths for further studies and researches on audit quality evaluation.

Keywords: mud treatment, balneal and mud inventories, analytical procedures, audit quality, extent, application


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