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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Methods for evaluating the public procurement efficiency in national research universities

Vol. 18, Iss. 6, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 18 April 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 28-36

Sheshukova T.G. Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation

Mal'tseva A.A. Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation

Importance The research is relevant since it focuses on the specificity of public procurement in the education industry, and practices of higher educational institutions and national research universities (NRU), in particular. The specificity of the procurement procedure in NRU differs from the one in other State-financed institutions. The situation stems from the fact that universities, which acquire the status of national research universities, experience a significant rise in public procurement of expensive innovative and hi-tech equipment that requires controlling the intended and effective use and operation of the equipment.
     Objectives The research aims at devising a method to evaluate the efficiency of the public procurement system as a necessary component for enhancement of NRU operations.
     Methods Using an economic modeling method, we formulate a model for computing an integrated indicator of public procurement of expensive hi-tech equipment needed to perform scientific research in line with national development programs.
The article puts a special focus on the specificity of public procurement procedures in universities. In this respect, we devise certain methods to evaluate the efficiency of public procurement and identify key indicators of the model. The indicators imply not only the legitimacy, savings and correctness of procurement procedures, but also the efficiency of the purchased equipment use in education and scientific research of NRU, and opportunities to further commercialize results of research.
     Conclusions and Relevance The proposed methods facilitate the evaluation of national project procurement efficiency, tracing a growth in final indicators for a specific period of time, identifying bottlenecks in public procurement practices by investigating reasons for the reduction in efficiency of purchased products, and ultimately enhance the contract performance discipline. The proposed methods are designated for national research universities, which act as governmental customers in procurement of necessary products within the framework of national development programs. If applied, the methods will contribute to setting up the information framework for the administration of NRU, enhancement of a contractual function, improvement of contract performance discipline, and use of the purchased equipment as much as possible.

Keywords: public procurement, national research university, method, evaluation, efficiency


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