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International Accounting

Problems of financial accounting and reporting in publications of modern scientists

Vol. 18, Iss. 6, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 18 April 2015

Subject Heading: SCHOLAR DISPUTE

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 52-68

Druzhilovskaya T.Yu. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod - National Research University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Importance The reform of the Russian financial accounting and reporting rests on scholarly works, thus making particularly essential the critical review of pertinent research in the publications of modern scientists.
     Objectives The objective of the study is to generalize and systematize the most important and promising development trends in financial accounting and reporting at the present stage.
     Methods In this paper, I review and systematize various academic standpoints on the challenges of modern accounting and reporting, using the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, and summarizing.
     Results I have analyzed the topics and content of scientific publications presented in a number of well-known journals specializing in accounting over 2014 - early 2015. As a result, I propose a review of the directions of academic research conducted by modern scholars, systematized the topics describing the most relevant problems existing at the present stage of accounting and reporting development. The obtained findings may be useful for graduate students and young scientists in their search for scientific papers on the subject of interest. The presented materials may help select research topics, study the degree of development of certain problems, and identify the most pressing areas for further research.
     Conclusions and Relevance I conclude on the emerging the radically new areas of modern research in the sphere of financial accounting and reporting, and the in-depth study of problems arising as the requirements for accounting and reporting evolve.

Keywords: financial accounting, financial reporting, International Financial Reporting Standard


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  2. Alekseeva G.I. Bukhgalterskii uchet garantii, predusmotrennykh trudovym zakonodatel'stvom [Accounting for guarantees provided under the labor legislation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 23, pp. 38–49.
  3. Alekseeva G.I. Bukhgalterskii uchet raschetov s ispol'zovaniem vekselei [Accounting for settlements based on bills of exchange and promissory notes]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 3, pp. 2–10.
  4. Alekseeva G.I. Osobennosti bukhgalterskogo ucheta operatsii po dogovoru kommercheskoi kontsessii [Specifics of accounting treatment of transactions performed under the franchise agreement]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 2, pp. 8–15.
  5. Alekseeva G.I. Osobennosti nalogooblozheniya i bukhgalterskogo ucheta raschetov po dogovoru meny [Specifics of taxation and accounting treatment of settlements under the exchange agreement]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 16, pp. 2–8.
  6. Alekseeva G.I. Osobennosti raschetov s rabotnikami po oplate otpusknykh [Specifics of vacation payments to employees]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 18, pp. 36–47.
  7. Alekseeva G.I. Problemy ucheta dokhodov budushchikh periodov v usloviyakh reformirovaniya rossiiskogo bukhgalterskogo ucheta [Problems of accounting for deferred income under the Russian accounting reform]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2014, no. 4, pp. 2–6.
  8. Alekseeva G.I. Osobennosti bukhgalterskogo ucheta i nalogooblozheniya importa tovarov na territoriyu Rossii po dogovoru agentirovaniya [Specifics of accounting and taxation of imports of goods into the territory of Russia under the contract of agency]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2013, no. 6, pp. 2–14.
  9. Alekseeva G.I., Makovskaya Yu.I. Problemy bukhgalterskogo ucheta raschetov s ispol'zovaniem elektronnykh deneg [Problems of accounting treatment of settlements with cyber money involvement]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 4, pp. 15–19.
  10. Alekseeva G.I., Prizhennikova A.N. Sovremennye trudovye pravootnosheniya: aktual'nye voprosy prava i bukhgalterskogo ucheta [Contemporary labor relations: topical issues of law and accounting]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 24, pp. 2–9.
  11. Arykov S.N., Rodyushkin S.N. Sozdanie rezerva na predstoyashchie raskhody: bukhgalterskii uchet i nalogooblozhenie [Building up reserves for future expenses: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2014, no. 4, pp. 14–18.
  12. Babchenko T.N. Spisanie osnovnykh sredstv: uchet i nalogooblozhenie [Fixed assets writing-off: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 11, pp. 20–28.
  13. Baranov P.P., Kozlov V.P., Klimashina Yu.P. Neopredelennost' ponyatiya delovoi reputatsii: posledstviya dlya ucheta i otchetnosti [Uncertainty of the concept of business reputation: implications for accounting and reporting]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 13, pp. 35–45.
  14. Belonogov A.N., Kharchenko O.N. Razvitie kontseptsii ucheta zatrat na razvedku i otsenku poleznykh iskopaemykh [Developing the concepts of cost accounting for mineral resources exploration and evaluation]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 21, pp. 38–48.
  15. Bespalov M.V. Bukhgalterskii uchet vyyavlennykh nedostach imushchestva v byudzhetnykh uchrezhdeniyakh: estestvennaya ubyl', chrezvychainye obstoyatel'stva, khishcheniya [Accounting for identified shortages of assets in budgetary institutions: natural decline, contingencies, theft]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 14, pp. 17–21.
  16. Bespalov M.V. Bukhgalterskii uchet platnykh obrazovatel'nykh uslug v byudzhetnykh uchrezhdeniyakh [Accounting for fee-based educational services in budgetary institutions]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 8, pp. 2–6.
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  19. Bespalov M.V. Sovremennyi poryadok spisaniya osnovnykh sredstv v byudzhetnykh uchrezhdeniyakh [The current procedure for fixed assets write-off in budgetary institutions]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 3, pp. 2–8.
  20. Bespalov M.V. Uchet raschetov s podotchetnymi litsami v byudzhetnykh uchrezhdeniyakh: obshchie printsipy, poryadok dokumentooborota, normativnoe regulirovanie [Accounting for settlements with accountable persons in budgetary institutions: general principles, documentation procedure, and statutory regulation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 15, pp. 2–7.
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  33. Vereshchagin S.A. Uchet “amortizatsionnoi premii” pri prodazhe ob"ekta osnovnykh sredstv [Accounting for bonus depreciation in the sale of property, plant and equipment]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 4, pp. 15–20.
  34. Vereshchagin S.A. Uchet zatrat na remont avtotransporta [Accounting for cost of motor transport maintenance]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 11, pp. 28–33.
  35. Vereshchagin S.A. Uchet realizatsii tovarov, stoimost' kotorykh vyrazhena v inostrannoi valyute [Accounting for sales of goods with the value denominated in foreign currency]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 6, pp. 46–53.
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  40. Demina I.D. Problemy otrazheniya v bukhgalterskom uchete i bukhgalterskoi (finansovoi) otchetnosti kommercheskikh organizatsii zatrat na innovatsii i modernizatsiyu proizvodstva [Problems recording in accounting books and reporting in financial statements the cost of innovation and modernization of production by commercial organizations]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v izdatel'stve i poligrafii = Accounting in Publishing and Printing Business, 2014, no. 3, pp. 11–16.
  41. Druzhilovskaya T.Yu., Druzhilovskaya E.S., Romashova S.M. Aktual'nye voprosy bukhgalterskogo ucheta dokhodov i raskhodov v nekommercheskikh i kommercheskikh organizatsiyakh [Topical issues of income and expense accounting in non-commercial and commercial organizations]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 21, pp. 7–19.
  42. Druzhilovskaya T.Yu., Dryginkina V.A. Uchet osnovnykh sredstv: normativnoe regulirovanie i rossiiskaya praktika [Fixed assets accounting: statutory regulation and Russian practice]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 23, pp. 2–9.
  43. Druzhilovskaya T.Yu., Romashova S.M. Pokazateli dokhodov, raskhodov i finansovykh rezul'tatov v uchete i otchetnosti: teoreticheskii i prakticheskii aspekty [Income, expenses and financial results in accounting records and financial statements: theoretical and practical aspects]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 31, pp. 2–11.
  44. Druzhilovskaya E.S. Dolgosrochnye aktivy, prednaznachennye dlya prodazhi, i ikh otsenka v rossiiskom i mezhdunarodnom uchete [Non-current assets held for sale and their valuation in the Russian and international accounting]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2015, no. 1, pp. 21–30.
  45. Druzhilovskaya E.S. Investitsionnye aktivy kak novyi uchetnyi ob"ekt i pravila ego otsenki v rossiiskom i mezhdunarodnom uchete [Investment assets as a new accountable item and rules for its measurement in Russian and international accounting]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 39, pp. 15–29.
  46. Druzhilovskaya E.S. Razvitie pravil otsenki dokhodnykh vlozhenii v material'nye tsennosti v uchete nekommercheskikh i kommercheskikh organizatsii [Developing the rules for valuation of profitable investments in tangible assets in accounting records of noncommercial and commercial organizations]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2015, no. 1, pp. 19–26.
  47. Zhigunova O.A., Kovalev A.S. Zatraty, izderzhki, raskhody: traktovka s pozitsii resursov [Costs, charges, expenses: interpretation from the perspective of resources]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 1, pp. 97–102.
  48. Zhukov V.N. Poryadok priznaniya v bukhgalterskom uchete izderzhek obrashcheniya: dokumental'noe oformlenie [Procedure for accounting recognition of marketing costs: documentation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 2, pp. 2–9.
  49. Zhukov V.N. Uchet operatsii po pokupke tovarov pri osushchestvlenii importnykh postavok cherez rossiiskogo posrednika [Accounting for purchase of goods in the event of import deliveries via a Russian agent]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 23, pp. 10–17.
  50. Zhukov V.N. Uchet operatsii po pokupke tovarov pri osushchestvlenii pryamykh importnykh postavok [Accounting for purchase of goods in the event of direct import deliveries]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 19, pp. 2–8.
  51. Zhukov V.N. Uchet operatsii po prodazhe tovarov na eksport cherez rossiiskogo posrednika [Accounting for export sales via a Russian agent]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 15, pp. 8–16.
  52. Zhukov V.N. Uchet operatsii po prodazhe tovarov pri osushchestvlenii pryamykh eksportnykh postavok [Accounting for sales of goods in the event of direct export deliveries]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 13, pp. 8–14.
  53. Zakhar'in V.R. Uchet mnogoletnikh nasazhdenii [Accounting for perennial plantings]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 2, pp. 47–50.
  54. Zimakova L.A., Serebrennikova I.V. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po organizatsii ucheta zatrat, voznikayushchikh na preddogovornoi stadii stroitel'noi deyatel'nosti, v ramkakh integrirovannoi uchetnoi sistemy [Methodological recommendations for accounting for costs arising at the precontractual stage of construction activities within the framework of an integrated accounting system]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 19, pp. 33–39.
  55. Znamenshchikov S.A. Vypolnenie rabot iz materialov zakazchika [Performing works from customer provided material]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 3, pp. 49–53.
  56. Znamenshchikov S.A. Dogovor arendy budushchei nedvizhimosti [A future real property lease agreement]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 11, pp. 16–20.
  57. Zubareva O.A. Mezhdunarodnyi opyt ucheta zatrat na proizvodstvo [International experience of production cost accounting]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 10, pp. 123–130.
  58. Kiseleva O.V. Metody ucheta zatrat na proizvodstvo: traditsiya i sovremennost' [Methods of production cost accounting: traditions and the modern era]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 23, pp. 59–65.
  59. Kopylova E.K., Roi D.V. Pravovye aspekty franchaizinga i osobennosti ego ucheta [Legal aspects of franchising and specifics of its accounting]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 43, pp. 44–55.
  60. Kosteva N.N., Pavlyuchenko T.N. Organizatsionnye polozheniya ucheta operatsii s zemel'nymi resursami [Organization of accounting for transactions with land]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 13, pp. 18–24.
  61. Kostyukova I.N. Uchet postavki tovarov: osnovy organizatsii dogovornykh i raschetnykh otnoshenii s postavshchikami i perevozchikami [Accounting for goods delivery: fundamental principles of arranging contracts and payments with suppliers and carriers]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 2, pp. 16–21.
  62. Kotlyachkov O.V., Suetin S.N., Denisova N.L. Uchet formirovaniya i ispol'zovaniya rezerva po somnitel'nym dolgam v nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh [Accounting for formation and use of bad debt provision in noncommercial organizations]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 6, pp. 14–20.
  63. Kruglova V.Yu. Rezervy na oplatu predstoyashchikh otpuskov [Reserves for pending vacation payment]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 7, pp. 27–33.
  64. Kruglova V.Yu. Uchet delovoi reputatsii [Accounting for goodwill]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 2, pp. 33–39.
  65. Kruglova V.Yu. Uchet ustavnogo kapitala [Accounting for authorized capital]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 6, pp. 37–42.
  66. Kuvaldina T.B. Uchet raskhodov na NIOKR [Accounting for R&D costs]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 12, pp. 95–100.
  67. Kuznetsova L.N. Sovershenstvovanie uchetnoi sistemy organizatsii na osnove benchmarkinga [Perfecting the accounting system of an organization based on benchmarking]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 4, pp. 2–6.
  68. Kuz'mina I.A. Osobennosti spisaniya osnovnykh sredstv FGUP FSIN Rossii i otrazhenie rezul'tatov v uchete [Specifics of writing-off the fixed assets of federal State unitary enterprises of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and recording the results in accounting books]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 43, pp. 2–13.
  69. Kuz'mina I.A. Poryadok formirovaniya i otrazheniya v uchete rezervnogo i dobavochnogo fondov federal'nykh gosudarstvennykh unitarnykh predpriyatii Federal'noi sluzhby ispolneniya nakazanii Rossii [Procedure for formation of and accounting for the reserve and surplus funds of federal State unitary enterprises of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 10, pp. 9–14.
  70. Kuz'mina I.A. Poryadok formirovaniya i otrazheniya v uchete ustavnogo fonda federal'nykh gosudarstvennykh unitarnykh predpriyatii Federal'noi sluzhby ispolneniya nakazanii Rossii [Procedure for formation of and accounting for the authorized fund of federal State unitary enterprises of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 1, pp. 15–19.
  71. Kuz'mina I.A. Problemy organizatsii bukhgalterskogo ucheta osnovnykh sredstv Federal'noi sluzhby ispolneniya nakazanii v svyazi s izmeneniyami zakonodatel'stva [Problems of organization of fixed assets accounting of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in view of changes in legislation]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2014, no. 1, pp. 5–9.
  72. Lazukova E.A., Mel'nikova E.V. Otrazhenie v bukhgalterskom uchete nekommercheskoi organizatsii zatrat na priobretenie i peredachu v ekspluatatsiyu material'nykh tsennostei [Accounting for the cost of tangible asset acquisition and transfer to operation by a non-commercial organization]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2015, no. 2, pp. 19–23.
  73. Lebedeva V.I. Metody ucheta nezavershennogo proizvodstva [Work in progress accounting methods]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 1, pp. 27–30.
  74. Lebedeva V.I. Raskhody na merchandaizing [Expenditures for merchandising]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 12, pp. 17–21.
  75. Lebedeva V.I. Uchet tovarov [Inventory accounting]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 7, pp. 40–47.
  76. Lebedeva V.I. Faktoringovye operatsii: uchet i nalogooblozhenie [Factoring operations: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 5, pp. 55–60.
  77. Levina M.Yu. Poryadok otrazheniya raschetov byudzhetnogo uchrezhdeniya, osushchestvlyaemykh s ispol'zovaniem platezhnykh (bankovskikh) kart, s klientami – fizicheskimi litsami [Accounting procedure for settlements of a budget institution with individual clients based on payment (bank) cards]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 11, pp. 15–18.
  78. Logvinova T.I., Salikova T.G. Perevod dolgosrochnoi zadolzhennosti po kreditam i zaimam v kratkosrochnuyu v bukhgalterskom uchete i otchetnosti [Translating long-term debt on credits and loans into short-term debt in accounting records and financial statements]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2015, no. 1, pp. 21–25.
  79. Lugovskoi D.V., Abrosimova Yu.A. Modeli otsenki sobstvennogo kapitala v staticheskoi, dinamicheskoi i aktuarnoi uchetnoi kontseptsii [Equity valuation models in the static, dynamic and actuarial accounting concepts]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 6, pp. 11–19.
  80. Lugovskoi D.V., Abrosimova Yu.A. Finansovye obyazatel'stva kak element finansovoi otchetnosti: voprosy klassifikatsii i otsenki [Financial liabilities as an element of financial statements: classification and measurement]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 1, pp. 11–18.
  81. Molchanov V.G. Poryadok ucheta norm spisaniya i sroka sluzhby avtomobil'nykh shin [Accounting treatment of write-off rates and service life of automobile tires]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 3, pp. 11–13.
  82. Monako O.V. Poluchenie imushchestva vo vremennoe bezvozmezdnoe pol'zovanie: bukhgalterskii uchet i nalogovye posledstviya [Receipt of property for temporary free use: accounting and tax implications]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 16, pp. 16–19.
  83. Monako O.V. Poryadok otrazheniya v bukhgalterskom uchete byudzhetnogo uchrezhdeniya operatsii po razdeleniyu ob"ekta osnovnykh sredstv [Accounting procedure for operations on separation of property, plant and equipment by a budget-funded entity]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 20, pp. 11–13.
  84. Morozova E.V. Uchet zatrat i obyazatel'stv po okhrane, zashchite i vosproizvodstvu lesov v lesozagotovkakh [Accounting for expenditures and liabilities for the protection, preservation and reproduction of forests in timber harvesting]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 8, pp. 11–18.
  85. Neelova N.V. Zatraty na innovatsii v bukhgalterskoi i statisticheskoi otchetnosti organizatsii [Cost of innovation in accounting and statistical reporting of organizations]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 33, pp. 43–54.
  86. Nikitina V.Yu. Vybytie osnovnykh sredstv: uchet i nalogooblozhenie [Fixed assets disposal: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 1, pp. 41–46.
  87. Nikitina V.Yu. Uchet i nalogooblozhenie u lizingodatelya [Accounting and taxation by the lessor]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 3, pp. 42–49.
  88. Nikitina V.Yu. Uchet i nalogooblozhenie u lizingodatelya [Accounting and taxation by the lessor]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 4, pp. 30–34.
  89. Nikitina V.Yu. Uchet i nalogooblozhenie u lizingopoluchatelya [Accounting and taxation by the lessee]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 5, pp. 27–36.
  90. Nikitina V.Yu. Uchet materialov [Accounting for supplies]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 6, pp. 27–33.
  91. Nikolaev S.A. Varianty raschetov s podryadchikom [Options of settlements with contractors]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 3, pp. 32–42.
  92. Nikolaev S.A. Ispravlenie oshibok [Correction of errors]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 5, pp. 40–48.
  93. Ovchinnikova E.D., Koroleva E.N. Otrazhenie v bukhgalterskom uchete stoimosti imushchestva, peredannogo v ustavnyi fond [Accounting for the cost of property transferred to the authorized fund]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2015, no. 1, pp. 15–18.
  94. Ovchinnikova S.Yu. Osobennosti ucheta raskhodov organizatsii, svyazannykh s oplatoi uslug [Specifics of accounting for organization’s costs associated with service payments]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2014, no. 1, pp. 15–19.
  95. Pavlyuchenko T.N. Transaktsionnye raskhody strakhovoi kompanii kak osobaya kategoriya bukhgalterskogo ucheta [Transaction costs of an insurance company as a special accounting category]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 1, pp. 33–35.
  96. Panchenko T.M. Bonusy i premii ot postavshchikov: bukhgalterskii i nalogovyi uchet [Bonuses and premiums from vendors: financial and tax accounting]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 9, pp. 28–34.
  97. Panchenko T.M. Tovarnyi kredit: uchet i nalogooblozhenie [A commodity loan: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 1, pp. 30–38.
  98. Parasotskaya N.N., Khanova A.S. Uchet i nalogooblozhenie tollingovykh operatsii (peredacha syr'ya na pererabotku drugim predpriyatiyam) [Accounting and taxation of tolling operations (transfer of raw materials for processing to other businesses)]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2014, no. 4, pp. 7–13.
  99. Petrova V.Yu. Kredity i zaimy: uchet i nalogooblozhenie [Credits and loans: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 3, pp. 27–32.
  100. Petrova V.Yu. Otsenka gotovoi produktsii: bukhgalterskii i nalogovyi uchet [Finished goods evaluation: financial and tax accounting]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 1, pp. 21–27.
  101. Plotnikov V.S., Pakhomov A.S. “Rezerv” na vosstanovlenie stoimosti osnovnykh sredstv [A ‘provision’ for fixed assets’ cost recovery]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 8, pp. 2–13.
  102. Plotnikov V.S., Pakhomov A.S. Depozit chistoi pribyli i bukhgalterskie rezervy [Deposit of net profit and accounting reserves]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 20, pp. 18–26.
  103. Plotnikov V.S., Pakhomov A.S. Sovremennyi vzglyad na otsenochnyi kapital v sootvetstvii s kontseptsiei podderzhaniya kapitala [Modern view on the estimated capital under the concept of capital maintenance]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 41, pp. 29–40.
  104. Polenova S.N. Klassifikatsiya raskhodov v sebestoimosti produktsii, rabot, uslug [Classification of expenses in the cost of products, works and services]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 11, pp. 2–7.
  105. Polenova S.N. Raskhody, vklyuchaemye v sebestoimost': sostav i pravila priznaniya [Expenses included in the cost: the composition and rules for recognition]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 1, pp. 3–8.
  106. Polenova S.N. Transaktsionnye izderzhki: voprosy gruppirovki i bukhgalterskogo ucheta [Transaction costs: issues of grouping and accounting treatment]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 7, pp. 2–11.
  107. Polenova S.N. Uchet pryamykh i kosvennykh raskhodov v sebestoimosti produktsii, rabot, uslug [Accounting for direct and indirect costs in the cost of products, works and services]. Vse dlya bukhgaltera = All for Accountant, 2014, no. 2, pp. 2–7.
  108. Samoilyuk O.S., Rodyushkin S.N. Poryadok ucheta zatrat na priobretenie spetsodezhdy v bukhgalterskom i nalogovom uchete [Accounting treatment of the cost of purchase of special clothing in financial and tax accounting]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 15, pp. 17–20.
  109. Samusenko S.A. Intellektual'nyi kapital kak ob"ekt ucheta: novye aspekty [Intellectual capital as an accounting item: new aspects]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 42, pp. 23–35.
  110. Selezneva I.P., Knyazeva O.P. Aktual'nye problemy ucheta amortizatsii osnovnykh sredstv [Current problems of fixed assets depreciation accounting]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2015, no. 1, pp. 2–9.
  111. Sinyanskaya E.R. Problemy raspredeleniya zatrat na personal po klassifikatsionnym priznakam rossiiskikh i mezhdunarodnykh standartov ucheta [Problems of personnel cost assignment by classification criteria of Russian and International Accounting Standards]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 1, pp. 2–11.
  112. Slobtsova O.I. O spisanii beznadezhnoi debitorskoi zadolzhennosti [On writing-off uncollectable receivables]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 5, pp. 14–16.
  113. Snegireva L.I. Sobstvennye aktsii: pokupka, pereprodazha, annulirovanie [Treasury shares: purchase, resale, cancellation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 6, pp. 42–46.
  114. Sotnikova L.V. Uchet ispol'zovaniya chistoi pribyli [Accounting for the net profit use]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 5, pp. 80–86.
  115. Sotnikova L.V., Parasotskaya N.N. Osnovnye problemy bukhgalterskogo ucheta i nalogooblozheniya iskusstvenno sozdannykh zemel'nykh uchastkov [Key problems of accounting and taxation of artificially created land plots]. Bukhgalterskii uchet v byudzhetnykh i nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh = Accounting in Budgetary and Noncommercial Organizations, 2014, no. 20, pp. 2–10.
  116. Spirina I.V. Uchet raskhodov na komp'yuternye programmy [Accounting for expenses for computer programs]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 1, pp. 29–32.
  117. Suslova Yu.A. Spisanie osnovnykh sredstv: uchet i nalogooblozhenie [Fixed assets write-off: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 9, pp. 42–48.
  118. Sukhanov A.M. Razukrupnenie osnovnykh sredstv [Divestiture of fixed assets]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 2, pp. 84–87.
  119. Tokar' E.A. Uchet lizingovogo imushchestva [Accounting for lease property]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 12, pp. 82–86.
  120. Fiapshev A.B., Fiapsheva N.M., Bekshokov T.V. Amortizatsionnaya politika organizatsii na sovremennom etape [Depreciation policy of organizations at the present stage]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 11, pp. 13–20.
  121. Fomicheva L.P. Raspredelenie dokhodov po dogovoram, perekhodyashchim s odnogo goda na drugoi [Revenue division under agreements carried forward from one year to another]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 1, pp. 38–46.
  122. Fomicheva L.P. Uchet somnitel'nykh i beznadezhnykh dolgov [Accounting for doubtful and bad debts]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 4, pp. 20–23.
  123. Frolova M.V. Komandirovki za rubezh: uchet i nalogooblozhenie [Business trips abroad: accounting and taxation]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2014, no. 3, pp. 109–113.
  124. Khitrova S.G. Kreditnye i faktoringovye dogovory [Credit and factoring agreements]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2015, no. 1, pp. 66–70.
  125. Shevkhuzhev D.M. Metodika ucheta zatrat na proizvodstvo vinodel'cheskoi produktsii na osnove ee kachestva [Accounting treatment of expenses for wine production based on its quality]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 8, pp. 19–23.
  126. Shlyapnikova E.A., Vladimirova A.V. Adaptatsiya ucheta biologicheskikh aktivov k upravleniyu effektivnost'yu sel'skokhozyaistvennoi deyatel'nosti [Adapting biological assets accounting to agriculture performance management]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet = International Accounting, 2014, no. 11, pp. 32–42.
  127. Shchadilova S.N. Istochniki i operatsii s kapitalom predpriyatiya. Rezervy [Sources and transactions with business capital. Reserves]. Bukhgalter i zakon = Accountant and Law, 2014, no. 3, pp. 20–24.

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July 2024
