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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Balanced scorecard and information technologies

Vol. 18, Iss. 28, JULY 2015

Received: 24 July 2015

Accepted: 17 August 2015

Available online: 15 September 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 54-63

Krylov S.I. Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russian Federation

Subject In modern conditions, the practical implementation of the balanced scorecard concept is extremely difficult without information technology support. Therefore, the issue of developing the software for the balanced scorecard automation becomes increasingly important.
     Objectives Based on international experience, the study focuses on the use of appropriate information technologies to automate the balanced scorecard system. The purpose of the automation is to increase the efficiency and capabilities of the balanced scorecard as a tool for strategic management of the enterprise.
     Methods The methodology of the research draws on the concept of balanced scorecard introduced by R. Kaplan and D. Norton, and substantial requirements to the relevant software.
     Results The article shows that without any support through information technologies, the balanced scorecard concept is applicable to few projects only. The role of software in the balanced scorecard system implementation depends on the project type. The balanced scorecard automation for each particular company is subject to the company specifics. When selecting software for the balanced scorecard, the priority is the criterion of management logic implementation. When selecting information technology solutions to automate balanced scorecard, the structure-follows-strategy rule should work. Both foreign and domestic software developers provide products to support the balanced scorecard system.
     Conclusions The IT support to the balanced scorecard enables to improve the efficiency of the system's practical use.

Keywords: balanced scorecard, information technology, software


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