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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Revenue recognition in financial statements according to international and Russian practices

Vol. 20, Iss. 11, JUNE 2017

Received: 19 December 2016

Received in revised form: 12 March 2017

Accepted: 12 May 2017

Available online: 15 June 2017


JEL Classification: F65, G30

Pages: 632-643


Trofimova L.B. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Povarov K.Yu. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Subject The article outlines the basic requirements of IFRS 15 providing guidance on accounting for revenue from contracts with customers, and the specifics of the IFRS, RAS and GAAP of the United States in respect of revenue recognition.
Objectives The article aims to identify new features in the accounting for revenue according to IFRS 15, and study the IFRS, RAS and U.S. GAAP standards based on the main criteria for company's revenue recognition.
Methods For the study, we used the deductive approach and methods of analysis.
Results The article identifies the main differences between RAS and IFRS in the recognition of revenue. As well, we present recommendations on building accounting policies and choosing methods to recognize revenue in order to minimize differences between Russian and international standards.
Conclusions and Relevance We conclude that there has been some convergence in the international and Russian accounting systems in recent years, though significant differences still remain at the normative level. Our proposals to select methods of revenue recognition may help optimize accounting policies by applying similar methods both in Russian accounting and IFRS, in the preparation of accounting policies. The results obtained can be used by accountants of organizations and enterprises in accounting policy for both bookkeeping and tax accounting, optimizing the accounting records of the organization's income, as well as in lecturing on IFRS in educational institutions.

Keywords: revenue, contract, liability, principal, agent


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