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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

Enhancing the teaching quality as part of the modern educational system: The case of professional accountants' training

Vol. 22, Iss. 12, DECEMBER 2019

Received: 17 October 2019

Received in revised form: 28 October 2019

Accepted: 18 November 2019

Available online: 13 December 2019


JEL Classification: I21, I23, I25, M48

Pages: 1434–1444


Chaikovskaya L.A. Plekhanov Russian Economic University (PRUE), Moscow, Russian Federation


Filin S.A. Plekhanov Russian Economic University (PRUE), Moscow, Russian Federation


Subject The article analyzes the important issue of education quality as part of the modern educational system, illustrating the training of professional accountants.
Objectives The study analyzes the quality of the teaching process as part of the modern educational system, illustrating the training of professional accountants and providing recommendations for the improvement of the teaching process.
Methods The study employs methods of analysis, synthesis and logic research and uses the creative information approach.
Results We review what distinguishes the development of the modern educational system, unfold the importance of innovation-based educational options to improve the entire educational process. The article discusses issues revealing the need to train professionals to ensure the effective performance of innovation-driven enterprises, which requires additional research. We provide guidance on the improvement of the teaching quality as part of the modern educational system.
Conclusions and Relevance To ensure the effective transformation of the Russian economy into a digital economy and knowledge-based innovative economy later on and infusing the information tendency into the society, the educational and teaching process should be of high quality and employ teaching innovation and robust competences. There is still a high demand for the work of teachers. However, it remains underpaid and underestimated, which requires dramatic and crucial changes.

Keywords: system and quality of education, pedagogical process, educational standard, professional accountant


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