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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






International Accounting

In Memoriam of Yaroslav Sokolov

Vol. 23, Iss. 7, JULY 2020

Received: 29 June 2020

Received in revised form: 1 July 2020

Accepted: 6 July 2020

Available online: 16 July 2020


JEL Classification: В31, М40, М41

Pages: 824–840


Ivashkevich V.B. Kazan (Volga Region)Federal University (KFU), Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Subject. The article discusses the totality of theoretical, methodological and practical issues of accounting data generation and use as viewed in proceedings by Ya.V. Sokolov. I also contemplate on his contribution to the theory of accounting over time and at present, raising the significance of accountancy in the accounting community.
Objectives. The study sorts key aspects and results of Sokolov's proceedings, as a renowned personality in the Russian and international practices of accounting. I find and analyze conceptual approaches to implementing Sokolov's ideas and recommendations, trying to fit them into the digital economy. In this article, we owe a deep appreciation and respect to Ya.V. Sokolov and his contribution to the evolution of accountancy in Russia.
Methods. The article refers to the main publications of Ya.V. Sokolov in the Russian and foreign editions. I also cite recollections, articles and essays on him, personal impression he left during multiple meetings in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Kiyv, Zhytomyr, Paris and Sevilla.
Results. People usually understand the significance of something or someone when they are no longer here. This idea has never been so true as it has been for the recent decade without Ya.V. Sokolov by our side. Ya.V. Sokolov was a wonderful person who was so important for the Russian science and practice of accounting. He was an excellent teacher, intellectually gifted person and a genuine native of St. Petersburg. What makes his work so valuable is that he preserved and unfolded traditions and culture of accounting in Russia, raised the respect to the profession, scholars and renowned accountants of the past and present time. Sokolov's proceedings were the first to reveal the undeniable relationship of accounting and philosophy, macro- and microeconomics, theory of systems, law, sociology and psychology. He was a trailblazer who treated the management accounting as a mandatory constituent of business management.
Conclusions and Relevance. I share the opinion of many professionals saying that Yaroslav Sokolov is the most prominent accountant that worked in Russia at the end of 20th through the beginning of the 21st centuries. The theory and practice of accounting would not have been what they are now in Russia, if not him. The article may prove useful to those who are interested in the history of accounting in Russia, current issues and strategies for the improvement.

Keywords: concept, accounting school, accounting paradigm


  1. Sokolov Ya.V. Istoriya razvitiya bukhgalterskogo ucheta [The history of accounting]. Moscow, Finansy i Statistika Publ., 1985, 365 p.
  2. Sokolov Ya.V. Ocherki po istorii bukhgalterskogo ucheta [Essays on the history of accounting]. Moscow, Finansy i Statistika Publ., 1991, 400 p.
  3. Sokolov Ya.V. Bukhgalterskii uchet: ot istokov do nashikh dnei [Accounting: From its inception to date]. Moscow, YUNITI Publ., 1996, 599 p.
  4. Sokolov Ya.V., Sokolov V.Ya. Istoriya bukhgalterskogo ucheta [The history of accounting]. Moscow, Magistr Publ., 2009, 287 p.
  5. Sokolov Ya.V., Palii V.F. Vvedenie v teoriyu bukhgalterskogo ucheta [An introduction to the accounting theory]. Moscow, Finance Publ., 1979, 303 p.
  6. Sokolov Ya.V. Obraz bukhgaltera v literature i kino [Accountants as they are portrayed in literature and cinema]. Moscow, FBK-Press Publ., 2003, 232 p.
  7. Sokolov Ya.V. Bukhgalterskii uchet – veselaya nauka [Accounting is an entertaining science]. Moscow, 1C-Pablishing Publ., 2011, 638 p.
  8. Sokolov Ya.V. [Milestones of the accounting theory]. Finansy i biznes = Finance and Business, 2007, no. 4, pp. 62–64. (In Russ.)
  9. Sokolov Ya.V. Osnovy teorii bukhgalterskogo ucheta [Principles of the accounting theory]. Moscow, Finansy i Statistika Publ., 2000, 493 p.
  10. Sokolov Ya.V., Pyatov M.L. Bukhgalterskii uchet dlya rukovoditelya [Accounting for a business leader]. Moscow, Prospekt Publ., 2005, 282 p.
  11. Sokolov Ya.V. Bukhgalterskii uchet kak summa faktov khozyaistvennoi zhizni [Accounting as the sum of business facts]. Moscow, Magistr Publ., 2009, 222 p.
  12. Sokolov Ya.V., Stukov S.A. Bukhgalter – professiya molodykh [Accountancy is a profession for the youth]. Moscow, Finansy i Statistika Publ., 1987, 125 p.
  13. Sokolov Ya.V. [The concept of accounting and audit in the 21st century]. Konsul'tant = Consultant, 1997, no. 23, pp. 64–69. (In Russ.)
  14. Sokolov Ya.V. [Management accounting: Is it a myth or a reality]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2000, no. 18, pp. 50–52. (In Russ.)
  15. Sokolov Ya.V., Pyatov M.L. [Management accounting: How should it be understood?]. Bukhgalterskii uchet = Accounting, 2003, no. 7, pp. 53–55. (In Russ.)
  16. Sokolov Ya.V., Sokolov V.Ya. [How should we adopt IFRS?]. Finansy i biznes = Finance and Business, 2011, no. 4, pp. 207–213. (In Russ.)

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Vol. 27, Iss. 7
July 2024
