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National Interests: Priorities and Security

All magazines 2010

 1(58) - 2010 January

Priorities of Russia

  • Skrynnik Elena Generation of the state dataware system in the sphere of agriculture: an important line of activity to improve general conditions of the sector’s operation
  • Anisimov A.P., Goncharov A.I., Ryzhenkov A.Y., Chernomorec A.E. Unidentified subjects of property rights: myths and reality
  • Suvorova S.P., Rudakova O.V. The russian businessmen: sources of the incomes and specificity of economic interests


  • Kormishkina L.A. Politics of sterilization as one of the reasons expansions of corruption in modern Russia
  • Nasedkina Tatyana Analysis and value of State support of small agro business development in Belgorod region
  • Cafurova G.N. Exhibition activity of the aircraft industry as the effective tool of marketing for formation of competitive advantage of the russian aviation technics

Social sphere

  • Turgel I.D. Russian labour market: trends and treats for development in economic crisis conditions
  • Rusetskaya E.A. The indicators of social sphere characterising threats of safety of the country


  • State environmental control in Moscow: the enforcement practice
  • Zarecky A.D. Fire safety as a component of strategy of national safety of Russia
 2(59) - 2010 January

Priorities of Russia

  • Commonwealth of Independent States: We have won together in the war, we have upper hand with pre-crisis
  • Rassadin V.N. First principle of defense sufficiency: the possible and real options
  • Tulaykov N.V., Ivleva N.V. Orlovskaya regional academy of the state service


  • Blinov A.O., Sidorova A.V. Foreign Economic Relations of Russia and Ukraine: Myth or Reality
  • Kàyl I.I. Alternative methods of assessment of public sector executive power bodies performance in the subjects of Russian Federation
  • Bespalov M.V. Features of functioning and development of the Russian enterprise structures in modern social and economic conditions


  • Lapin A.P., Logvinova S.P., Studennikova N.S. Safety of work in manufacturing of concentrates of food, dried fruits and vegetables
  • Kuchkovskaya N.V. Role of social investments in strengthening economic safety of Russia
  • Hadjalova H.M. Socio-economic safety and threats social stability is in a region

Foreign experience

  • Revyakin S.A. Experience in using the model «Îf four round tables» in the system of public administration in Kazakhstan


  • An important contribution to economic development in Russia
  • Innovative small businesses will be assisted on exhibitions


  • The Way of Christ
 3(60) - 2010 February

Priorities of Russia

  • Ensuring the safety of food imported into Russian Federation
  • Makar S.V. National forest potential: challenges of the XXI century and national priorities
  • Bespalov M.V. Features of formation and development of small and average Russian innovative business


  • Krupina N.N., Bartkova N.N. Innovacionnyy potential labor resource to organizations and its estimation
  • Lomovcev D.A., Fedorova T.A. Priorities of industry innovative development in Russia
  • Matkovskaya Y.S. The problem of innovative technologies commercialization in Russia and lines of its solution


  • Parushina N.V., Butenko I.V. Statistical estimation of differentiation of regions of the Ñcentral federal district on a level of demographic development
  • Alieva Z.B. Development of the regional leasing as a factor of AIC material and technical provision in condition of the financial crisis
  • Krivolevich E.A. About economic safety of bank system of the country

Foreign experience

  • Batayeva B.S. Regional model of corporate social responsibility (Evidence from Islamic countries)
 4(61) - 2010 February

Priorities of Russia

  • Reserves hidden economy in an innovative way of development, reforming the financial implications system
  • Ilyshev A.M., Bagirova A.P., Spiridonova S.A. To new decisions on stimulation of many children’s families - stronger scientific basis
  • Bespalov M.V. The basic directions of a State policy on support of subjects of enterprise activity in the conditions of the stable economic environment
  • Stolyarova A.N. Mutual sector in national economic structure


  • Sizov Yu.I., Kosinova N.N. Innovative instruments of development strategy implementation in chemical industry enterprises
  • Pavlov K.V. The peculiarities of the strategy of social-economical development in the northern areas of Russia
  • Zheltonosov V.M., Ryndina I.V., Nguen Ch.T. The vector of the national securities market development in the conditions of world financial system instability
  • Golyshev M.A. Economic aspects of regional policy in Russia


  • Akinin P.V., Skachkova A.P. Principles and approaches to assessment and monitoring of environmental and economic security of the food market
  • Zemskova E.S., Gorin V.A. The peculiarities of economic development in the national economic security context

Social sphere

  • Tretjakova L.A. Multifunctionality of rural territories as a base condition of steady life-support of the population of rural territories
  • Kushnir I.B. Òhe institutional economic prerequisites of private and municipal cooperation by means of the club organization
 5(62) - 2010 March

Priorities of Russia

  • Skrynnik E. Improving training and retraining for of agriculture, providing advice to the agricultural tovroproizvoditelers
  • Mitrofanova I.V., Kuzmina Ò.S. Optimization of engineering models of landscape specific agriculture in the south of Russia
  • Ilyshev A.M., Bagirova A.P., Spiridonova S.A. To new decisions on stimulation of many children’s families - stronger scientific basis


  • Pavlov P.V. The russian economy’s sectoral restructuring orientations by means of special economic zones
  • Zheltonosov V.M., Malsagov A.H. Summarizing the experience of attracting Financial capital for regions development in Russia
  • Stolyarova A.N. Mutual sector in national economic structure
  • Ratkevich S.M. Monitoring of the state support of the small business at the regional level


  • Degtjareva I.V., Saetova A.A. State regulation of housing sector taking into account recurrence of its development
  • Kuprin S.N. Formation of construction cluster as the strategic problem of the program of territorial development
  • Husnullin M.S., Gareyev I.F., Husnullina G.M., Bedenko I.V. The innovative approach to formation of social habitation In Republic Tatarstan


  • Actual problems of improving the fight against corruption and economic crimes
  • Russkova E.G., Klypin A.V. Structure and mechanism of settlement of economic and natural contradictions
  • Novitskaya A.A. External economic policy for national food security of russia and accession to the WTO

Foreign experience

  • Balashova A.A. Peculiarities of coal use in China and possible ways to cut negative influence upon environment
 6(63) - 2010 March

Appeal to readers

  • Appeal to readers

Priorities of Russia

  • Bablenkova I.I. Nowadays the state economy sector influences on regional development as the crisis management measure
  • Tsypin I.S., Rtischev A.V. Improvement of structure of tax authorities in Russian Federation
  • Smirnov V.M. The state region property crisis management


  • Sukharev O.S. Institutional analysis the problems of modernization of russian economy
  • Shed’ko Y.N. Region as the big social and economic system
  • Gretchenko A.A. Researching of resources of innovative diversification economy of Russia on the basis of foreign experience of nanotechnologies application
  • Perepichka M.E. State anti-crisis influence on Russian contemporary economy


  • Pogrebniak R.G. Powers saving strategy of Russia as the factor of steady development during the post crisis period
  • Ordynskaya E.V. Informative integration of tax authorities, as basis of increase of efficiency of control work
  • Kopytkina E.S. Dynamics of land use and institutional framework for combating corruption in land relations
  • Smirnov D.M. Socio-economical development of Kaliningrad region, as a special economic zone and corruption risks

Foreign experience

  • Godin A.M., Garmash I.A. The development of economical security provision in countries with a developed market economy
  • Yarasheva A.V. Potential opportunities of using Islamic banking instruments in Russia
 7(64) - 2010 April

Appeal to readers

  • Appeal to readers

Priorities of Russia

  • Bocharov V.P., Spichkina T.J. High education as the social subsystem and branch of the economy in the Voronezh region
  • Gogoleva T.N., Lyashenko I.Y. Labor market: the employers` information asymmetry problems
  • Mishon E.V., Zlobina G.Y. Life quality: structural components and perspective ways of development
  • Treshchevskiy Y.I., Grinfeld K.E. Principles of investigation and implementation of social policy and economic development of municipal formations
  • Sirotkina N.V., Fal’kovich M.B. The Food marketing system as a means of improving the institutional infrastructure of regional food markets
  • Nikitina L.M. Genesis of ideas of social and economic responsibility of business


  • Treshchevskiy Y.I., Gusarov I.V. Development of the innovative methodology for planning the enterprise’s salary fund under changeable workload in an uncertain environment
  • Chernikova A.A., Borisov B.S., Galdin N.E. RETRACTED: Features of economic security solutions for innovation programs of Russian economy
  • Sysoeva E.F., Kozlov D.S. Financial engineering as a process of creation financial innovations
  • Sirotkina N.V., Poleva N.A. Conceptual provisions of marketing management of advertising business
  • Romashchenko T.D., Troshchenko S.A. Using the index of the technological structure in the designing and realization of the program of russian economy modernization


  • Risin I.E., Krutskih D.B. Comparative analysis of the investment climate areas the Centrally Chernozem regions (CCR)
  • Tinyakova V.I., Ratushnaya E.A. Problems of the substantiation of investment decisions: adequacy, correctness, the forecast
  • Makeeva O.B., Kolosov À.Ñ. The elaboration of strategy and main directions of economy support


  • Gogoleva T.N., Mazharova L.A. Method of an estimation of efficiency of the external economic policy of the government: institutional approach
  • Durakova I.B., Fomenko M.O. Variance analysis as the control procedure of budgetary accounts payable values
  • Sysoeva E.F., Skrypnik E.Y. Nature, structure and credit risk factors of retail banking products
  • Korobeinikova L.S., Panina I.V., Usachev G.G. The essence and classification of an economic entity’s financial health as the subject of economic analysis

Foreign experience

  • Krugljakova V.M. Experience of state regulation of investment activity in China: productive approaches and results
 8(65) - 2010 April

Priorities of Russia

  • Issues of innovation and information technologies on the example of the Tver’ region
  • Karibov A.P. Problems and perspectives of social - responsible development of natural monopolies in Russia
  • Husnullin M.S., Mustafina L.R., Sirazetdinov R.M., Gareyev I.F. Innovative aspects of youth housing policy


  • Panaedova G.I., Magomedov À-N.D., Voroshilova I.V. The Russian market of meat and problems of food safety securing of the country
  • Shadova M.A., Tlegurov T.M. Models and government mechanisms agriculture in the conditions of present crisis
  • Nevolina O.V. The influence of macroeconomic factors on the sustainable development small business
  • Lisechko N.A. Development of interaction marketing in sphere of services as the way of small business competitiveness increasing
  • Popov À.R. Organizational-financial imperatives of resort-recreational activity


  • Zhilkina Y.V. Maintenance of economic safety of the state
  • Alieva Z.B. Influence of price-formation policy on food security of the country
  • Chuev D.A. National security of Russia: global challenges and resource limitation of export-raw model for economic development of the state

Social sphere

  • Komarova G.B., Ishonova U.U. Role of wholesale - intermediary enterprise consumer cooperation in realization of social politicians
  • Bulgakov V.N. Rational, irrational expectations of the individual, restriction and irrational technologies
  • Timofeyev Y.V. Efficiency of State Social Policy in Russia
 9(66) - 2010 May

Priorities of Russia

  • Single Economic Space: from modernization to integration
  • Kotlyarov M.A., Simonova D.P. State property management as the part of the Russian federation economic policy
  • Bagirova A.P., Abilova M.G. Conceptual basis of reproductive policy in contemporary Russia
  • Sirazetdinov R.M., Gareyev I.F. To a question on strategy formation Maintenance of the population with habitation


  • Molotkov Y.I., Sidorkin A.V. Simulation of the personnel management system in the public first and municipal management
  • Mitrofanova I.V., Kuzmina Ò.S. Agribusiness management: ecological-oriented approach
  • Savina T.N. Innovation pause as the reason cycle of economic development


  • Ugryumov A.V., Glebochev A.N. Effective potato growing as the powerful factor of food safety of the russian federation
  • Kostyshak M.M. Capital repairs of housing resources like safety element
  • Leonova E.D., Mitrofanova I.A. Formation of tax culture as the strategic direction of modernization of tax system in Russia
  • Vershinin A.L. Insurance safety and security for portfolio investor at financial market


  • Shishova Z.Î. To the question on youth personnel selection in system of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow
 10(67) - 2010 May

Priorities of Russia

  • Glushchenko V.V. Ñivil society as the subject of the formulation and achievement of national interest
  • Gumerova G.I., Shaymieva E.S. Research of the product- and process-innovations in a view of the modernization of technological way
  • Rastvorcev I.M., Korobova E.M. Model of innovative higher school within the framework of realization of the national priority project «Education»
  • Kvasov I.N. The basic directions of cooperation business and the state in questions of modernization of economy


  • Melnikov R.M. Oil price fluctuations as a factor of instability of the Russian economy
  • Yakushev A.J., Knyazeva M.A., Smirnova N.V. The analysis of the research sector in Russian Federation as the base for building the innovation economy
  • Nikulina O.V. Marketing of innovative development of the enterprise
  • Demjanov A.A. Substantiation of expediency of formation of multistage effect on destabilizing factors and risks


  • Semenov S.K. The restoration devaluable bank deposits of citizens as social, political and ant crisis factor
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Macroeconomic indicators of economic safety of the state
  • Bozhko L.L. Transformation of standpoints in the context of interdisciplinary researches of borders
 11(68) - 2010 June

Priorities of Russia

  • Grishin V.I., Abramov R.À. Role of a regional innovative infrastructure in national economy modernization
  • Zakharov V.K. Financial-crisis methods of state and interstate administration
  • Smulov A.M., Maltsev Y.I., Ganin A.S. Realization of national housing program in crisis by force of prefabricated houses building


  • Generalov B.V., Fedorov V.V., Esin V.V. Structural development of the organizations - the factor of stability and dynamism of economy
  • Gervasyev M.A., Mezentseva O.V., Bulanov A.U., Mezentseva A.V. Methodology issue of economic efficiency of the transport-logistical infrastructure
  • Pavlov K.V. Gender economics and efficiency of social reproduction
  • Galieva G.F. Controlling mechanisms in the innovation economy
  • Demyanov A.A. Integration mechanism of decision making under uncertainty and risk
  • Sumaneev A.A. Investment climate in the Volgograd region: trends and growth opportunities


  • Anichin V.L., Seredin A.S. The regional contribution into Russian’s food security
  • Pleshkov A.D. Geostrategic reserves perfection military-technical cooperation of Russia
  • Timofeeva I.Y. Development of the international tax relation in globalization and national interests of the state

Social sphere

  • Bolshakov N.M., Ents G.P. Financial control as a method of effective social reformation
 12(69) - 2010 June

Priorities of Russia

  • Ebzeev B.S. Economic modernization Karachay-Cherkessia Republic of: problems, solutions and perspectives
  • Ovchinnikov V.N. Socio-economic problems and the resources to stabilize the situation in the Northern Caucasus in the new geo format
  • Kolesnikov Y.S. Economic conditions and mechanisms to reduce conflict-in the North Caucasus
  • Kancerov R.A. The trajectories of economic development entities of the North Caucasus federal district
  • Slepakov S.S. Pyatigorsk - the center of the eighth federal district of Russia
  • Voloshina A.J. Education mega regions as a vector of regional development in a globalizing


  • Tambiev A.K. Formation of an innovative inter-integrated economy of the North Caucasus federal district based on the formation of inter-regional clusters and the North-Caucasian innovation system
  • Ermolenko A.A. The strategy of integration in the development of regional economic systems of North Caucasian
  • Lipina S.A. Building your own oil and gas chemical industries complex - a real factor in the economic development of the North Caucasus region
  • Kosinova N.N. Prospects of cooperation between the state and business in the modernization of the region's economy
  • Adzhikova A.S. Small businesses in the regions of North Caucasus Federal District: assessment of the status, characteristics and prospects
  • Mitrofanova I.V. Grain intervention: problems and solutions
  • Shkolnikova N.N. Assessment of the economic potential subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District and its feasibility
  • Rakutina N.M. Recent developments in the Russian small business
  • Edieva A.K. Building an effective infrastructure to support the development of state small business


  • Tsyganov V.V. Regional innovation triad
  • Gediev K.T. The essence and function of the technological park as an object of innovation infrastructure
  • Tlisov A.B. Evaluation of investment attractiveness of small businesses
  • Karakaeva E.U. Problems of inter-regional institutional and information infrastructure innovation
  • Beatlev A.A-A. Infrastructure of entrepreneurship as a factor developed innovative activity
  • Monastirskaj V.V. Performance evaluation of innovation in the regional economy


  • Chikatueva L.A., Golubenko K.L. Ways to streamline the system of state regulation of regional development and addressing the territorial gaps
  • Kalininà A.E. Develop and implement measures to overcome the economic crisis regions of Southern Russia: åxperience of the Volgograd region
  • Savchenko V.V. Interethnic relations among youth in the security context of the North Caucasus region: issues, trends and solutions
  • Glushkov V.V. Classification of shadow economic activities


  • Kotilko V.V. North-Caucasian region: prospects for socio-economic development
  • Zhikharevich B.S. Strategic management development macro District type: the need and ways to upgrade
 13(70) - 2010 July

Priorities of Russia

  • Vazhenina I.S. Conceptual bases of ensuring the national security of Russia and improving the welfare of the population on the basis of agro-industrial clustering
  • Loginov E.L., Loginov A.E. New Trends in Power Formatting Economic Realities


  • Pavlov K.V. About The Perspectives Of Market Relations System
  • Kondratovich I.V. Elite In Transitive Economy
  • Poliakov V.G. Assessment of substrategy of Chemical Pharmaceutical Structural Improvement in Economy Of Volgograd Region
  • Savkin V.I. Ecological Management as A Measure Of realization of the concept of steady development


  • Khrustalev Ye.Yu. Economic security knowledge-based enterprises: methods of diagnosis and evaluation
  • Timofeeva I. The Main Principles Of Tax Safety
  • Zhilyakov D.I. Role of poultry In country’s food security


  • Fayzullin I. Economic-mathematical modeling of the factors defining level of availability of habitation (on the republic Tatarstan example)
 14(71) - 2010 July

Priorities of Russia

  • Tretjakova L.A. The reasons of system crisis social and economic development of rural territories
  • Fedorova L.A. Conception fundamentals formation organization mechanism of development the high technology manufactures in the machine building
  • Lavrikov V.I. Modern trends in the light of livestock intensification the priority national project «development of agriculture»


  • Gukova A.V., Kirov A.V. Transparency Of Financial Flows As A Condition Of Nanotechnologies Development In Russia
  • Ilysheva M.A., Potashnikova S.A., Kartavchenko I.V. Genesis of strategic management in conditions of growth of uncertainty of economic development of Russia
  • Pokrovsky B.I., Kostyukova O.I., Sharin A.N. Developing of the sustainable fisheries - strong support for creating of the higher effectiveness of the Russian fishery
  • Kurunina E.N. The Analysis Of The Condition Of Innovative System Of Russia


  • Karpov A.V., Lomakin V.V. Confronting Sectarian, Radical-Destructive Religious Organizations And Groupings
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Economic safety of Russia: problems of international legal maintains in the modern conditions
  • Alieva Z.B. Import dependency - a threat to food safety to Russia


  • Sergeev P.A., Kotilko V.V. Globalization as a factor of national development
 15(72) - 2010 July

Priorities of Russia

  • Khrystalev E.Y., Slavyanov A.S. Methodology of formation of investment strategy innovation-based economic growth
  • Uvarova A.J. Development of competitive advantages of Russia on the basis of the creative innovative-focused manager’s preparation of the XXI century
  • Levin V.F., Zalogov N.A. The public examination of bills as a mechanism to improve the efficiency of regional and local budgets


  • Malkina M.Yu. On the question of the «resources curse», appropriation character of management and innovation potential of Russian economy
  • Zagoruyko I.Yu., Glavatskiy V.B. The definition of «town» as a conceptual basis of the elaboration of mechanisms for a sustainable development of mono-industry towns


  • Gordienko D.V. Perspectives of rise’s of Russia’s economic safety rate
  • Zhidkova E.J. Maintenance of economic safety within the limits of reforming of the income taxation: comparative experience of Russia and foreign countries
  • Rusetskaya E.A., Arustamova V.A., Aksenenko E.V., Rusetskiy M.G. Insurance as a ensuring mechanism of economic security of Russia


  • Litvintseva T.V. Social concern field of the tax system of the Russian Federation

Foreign experience

  • Varfolomeev V.P., Chzhao Di Risk management of construction and infrastructure Olympic facilities in Beijing
 16(73) - 2010 July

Priorities of Russia

  • Central Federal District: results and prospects of development
  • Glinskiy V.V., Ovechkina N.I. Trends in population policy: the cautious optimism of the third cycle
  • Kurakov A.L. Prognostication and planning of development of educational system


  • Kuzubov S.A., Platonova E.I. The comparative study of patent activity in Russia and abroad in context of transition to innovative development
  • Pavlov K.V. Peculiarities and factors of modernization of Russia’s economics
  • Zdanevich U.A. Application is state-private partnership as effective mechanism of development housing - municipal sphere of the Rostov region
  • Makoeva E.R. Organizational-economic bases functioning of the market of technical service in agriculture


  • Alieva Z.B. Some aspects of the government regulation to food safety to Russia
  • Okun A.S., Tkachev A.V., Okun S.A. Tax risks in the process of value added taxes
  • Zaychenko M.N. Economic security and use of historical expertise in development of international relations


  • Kormanovskaya I.R. Regional aspect of the social security


  • Amosha A.I. The intensification of the economy in terms of formation and development of market relations
 17(74) - 2010 August

Priorities of Russia

  • Kuznetsova N.L., Krivenko N.V. Rational combination of the state and market participation in public health services financing
  • Zverev N.I., Pelikhov N.V. Programme targets for the development of Russian educational services export
  • Shubat O.M., Shihova E.P. The research experience of reproductive labor in the phase of family’s preparation to parenting


  • Pavlov K.V. The use of SWOT-analysis for designing the strategy of economics development on different levels of administrative hierarchy
  • Klekovkin L.I. Systems approach to understand competitiveness as a factor of sustainable development of economics
  • Fedorova L.A. Specific characteristics of valuation the level steadiness high technology manufactures
  • Gavrilov A.A. The influence of the forthcoming Russia’s joining to WTO at the bank service in the sphere of external economic activity of Russian companies


  • Karpov A.V., Lomakin V.V. Extremism and its companion terrorism - real threats of the Russian statehood
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Analyzing of the economic safety of EU: new reference points of possibilities?
  • Sogrina N.S. Theoretical model of counteraction to hostile takeovers (raiders) in Russia


  • Chuvakova S.G. Innovations In Social Sphere And Sphere Of Employment As Base Preconditions Of Modernization Of Domestic Economy
 18(75) - 2010 August

Priorities of Russia

  • Innovative culture as a spiritual defense of the nation (interview with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Avdeev A.A.)
  • Zolin P.M. Management of international trade in the strategy of national economies
  • Petrova E.A., Sokolov A.F. The improvement of the governance based on the introduction of the concept of Å-government


  • Loginov E.L. «Internet of things» as an attractor of objective economic reality
  • Kruchinina N.V. Economic activities strategy in agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of transition to the sustainable development
  • Baturova G.V. Implementation of russian national interests in term of marine complex’s development


  • Gordienko D.V. Impact of world financial-economic crisis on influence of states world’s economic safety rate
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Russia and the European Union: tendencies of economic relations
  • Àgååv S.V. Focus support for small and medium businesses as an important factor in the economic security of the country


  • Davankov A.Y. Ecological and economic systems of the region: the optimal form of cooperation


  • For the contribution to the economy
 19(76) - 2010 August

Priorities of Russia

  • Tretyakova L.A. The organizational-economic mechanism of realization of strategy of steady life-support of the population of rural territories
  • Laushkina N.S., Fedorova O.A. Mechanism of infrastructure interaction of innovation marker in a frame of national innovation system
  • Vaneeva T.A. The optimal paradigm factors of Russian social national development


  • Gumerova G.I., Shaymieva E.S. Managements Model Of Technological Innovations within the Limits of Technological Competitiveness of New Industrial and Industrial-Developed Countries (Theoretical Aspects)
  • Smirnov V.V. Hypothetical Possibilities of Optimization of Process Effective Social-Economic Development of Region
  • Akhmetova D.F. The Place of the Production Sector in the Development of a Region


  • Morozko N.I., Didenko V.U. Russian Insurance Sector Development in Innovative Economic Conditions
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Russia and the European Union: geo-strategic positioning on the European continent
  • Zrilova E.S. The Features of the System of the Maintenance of the Economic Safety of Property


  • Lyalin V.E. The path to effective strategy development begins in the nucleus of socio-economic system
 20(77) - 2010 August

Priorities of Russia

  • The sacred duty of our memory Interview with President of the Academy of Military Sciences, Doctor of Military and Historical Sciences, professor, Army General M.A. Gareev
  • Bauer V.P., Chertkov A.S. Risk factors and threats of economic security trafficking in diamonds and brilliants in Russian Federation
  • Smirnov V.V. Problems of development of the russian federation and its subjects in the conditions of unstable economy


  • Kormishkina L.A. The narrowed type of reproduction as the factor, constraining increase of national force Russian state
  • Lebedev V.N., Yakushev A.J. On the question of expediency and prospects for creating mezhmaterikovoy thoroughfare Eurasia - North America based on land conversion Chukotka (Russia) - Alaska (USA)
  • Kàyl I.I. Regional features of standardization and regulation of state and municipal services in the Russian Federation


  • Epifanov I.K., Yaremenko A.V. Ecological and economic aspects of evaluating the impact of electromagnetic healing environmental
  • Kondratieva M.N., Klementiev V.A. Risk in the system of consumer crediting
  • Mitrofanova I.V., Korobov Î.V. Printing mass media in the Volgograd region: tendencies and development prospects


  • Panikarova S.V. Approaches to the assessment of the ethnocultural policy of region


  • VI Baikal Economic Forum
 21(78) - 2010 September

Priorities of Russia

  • Perfection of the Russian legislation in a cultural filled
  • Vikulov S.F., Khrustalev Ye.Yu. Methods for assessing the military-economic effectiveness of military construction
  • Sukharev A.N. Sovereign funds of goods: Experience of creation and development way


  • Bauer V.P., Il’in I.V. Institutional transformation of the world financial architecture
  • Komarova G.B., Ishonova U.U. Special features of wholesaling infrastructure functioning in the conditions of market economy
  • Goryunova E.V. Legislative innovations as a way of the formation of new educational strategies


  • Bulashov S.N. Economic and legal analysis of the nature of the state border and boundary of economic space Russian Federation
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Economic and political consequences of EU for Russia safety


  • Komarova T.M. Influence of criminality on a level of social safety of regions of Russiav

Foreign experience

  • Kàyl I.I. Foreign experience of introducing standardization of state and municipal services
 22(79) - 2010 September

Priorities of Russia

  • Rassadin V.N. Genesis of the military-industrial complex
  • Frolova V.B. The financial policy of the state at the present stage


  • Êàzàêîvà N.A., Lahanova A.M. The analysis of the influence of efficiency grain production on the amount of taxes at the agricultural enterprises of Ryazan region
  • Glotova I.I., Motorina I.M. Influence of the institutionalization of self-regulatory organizations on the efficiency of the construction industry in the Stavropol District
  • Kobzar-Frolova M.N. Tax-legal problems of attraction in the Russian economy of foreign investments
  • Dmitrik E.G. Theoretical aspects of the democratic essence of enterprise


  • Tsaregorodtsev A.V. Electromagnetic terrorism and the securing of critical objects
  • Pogrebniak R.G. Energy savings - as bases î of national interesting of Russian Federation
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Approaches to maintenance of economic safety


  • Feldstein D. The basic resource for the modernization of the economy
 23(80) - 2010 September

Priorities of Russia

  • Chrustalyv E.Y., Rassadin V.N. Socio-Economic Stability And National Security
  • Danilova O.V. Social investment as economic regularity of the modern epoch


  • Shogenov B.A., Horuzhy V.I. Intensification, fertility of soils, efficiency of agricultural production
  • Irniyazov B.S. Monopolies And Public Welfare
  • Ratkevich S.M. Public-Private Partnership As Efficient Instrument For Small Business Development
  • Ghukov A.N. Strategy Of Social And Economic Development Of Federal District In The Format Of The Territorial Megaproject


  • Alpidovskaya M.L. The realization of the power of institute of bureaucracy as the method of struggle with corruption in Russia
  • Kuznetsova L.V. Macromarketing of food as a factor of maintenance of food safety of the country
  • Zhilkina Y.V. Consequences of expansion the EU for economic safety of Russia
  • Gorokhov M.Y. Restructuring as odin from financial instruments of urerulirovaniya of tax debt
 24(81) - 2010 September

Priorities of Russia

  • Shahovskaya L.S., Matkovskaya Ya.S. The institutionalization of the commercialization of the innovations in Russia as a condition for the innovation hitch
  • Galyanov I.V., Studennikova N.S. Preservation of labour potential - a strategic problem of a demographic policy of the Russian Federation


  • Nezamaikin V.N. Globalization and the national interests of the Russian Federation
  • Mitrofanova I.V. Agro-industrial complex of the south of russia: statistic of crisis
  • Kuchkovskaya N.V. Becoming a model of interaction between business  with stakeholders in Russia's economic modernization


  • Suglobov A.E., Mikhailov S.V. Definition of a role, structure and place of economic safety of business in offshore zones
  • Shiryaev P.S. The corporate financial control: essence, kinds, development strategy (model COSO)
  • Zhilkina Y.V. The general defense of EU and interests of member countries

Social sphere

  • Sorokinà N.Y. Social partnership as the mechanism of the coordination of interests of participants of the control system in labour potential of region
 25(82) - 2010 October

Priorities of Russia

  • Plyakin A.V. Geoinformation approach to research of heterogeneity of the social and economic development of south Russia regions
  • Alexandrin Y.N. Innovative economy and optimization of institutional sphere of small enterprises


  • Chaldaeva L.A. Modernization of economy: maintains and economical efficiency
  • Filippova I.A. Innovative approach to formation of investment policy of Ulyanovsk region
  • Goryunova E.V. Possibilities of multichannel financing of innovative activity at regional universities
  • Skaredin A.V. To a question of world financial crisis influence on participants of Ural cellular market


  • Loginov E.L., Loginov A.E. Spice as a strategic priority in a control in economic leading in XXI century
  • Zhilkina Y.V. International safety in the area of globalization world economy
  • Ermolina N.A. Role of self-sufficiency of agrarian territories in maintenance of food safety of the country and regions
 26(83) - 2010 October

Priorities of Russia

  • Seregin S.N., Panaedova G.I., Magomedov À-N.D. The modernization of the Russian food processing industry: factors, problems, perspectives
  • Demyanova O.V. Dialectic paradigm of efficiency of social and economic systems


  • Kosinova N.N., Zarudnev A.I. Basic strategic directions of improvement of Public-Private Partnership mechanism (Volgograd Oblast experience)
  • Tarakanov M.A. Evolution of spatial localizing of conceptions «The Far North» and «The North» in Russia
  • Zhuravleva E. A. Explanation effective forms of cooperation with foreign participation in production of agricultural products


  • Michailov A.I. National security in the context of economic space development and spatial positioning of the world economy
  • Panshin I.V., Yares O.B., Semenova E.P. Configuration of regional economic scope in Russia
  • Gaweiler A.V. Methodological questions of strategic development management of Russian city on conditions of the globalization
  • Kasyanenko O.M. The modern taxation of the Russian Federation in a context of its economic safety provision: comparison, priorities, development vectors

Foreign experience

  • Zhilkina Y.V. The analysis of mutual relations of the USA and EU in the modern world
 27(84) - 2010 October

Priorities of Russia

  • Belousova O.M. Formulation of national investment doctrine in the strategic management system of social and economic development of Russia
  • Gafforova E.B., Eliseyeva T.I., Repina E.YA., Sindeyeva T.V. Formation of system of indicators of the estimations of quality and efficiency of scientifically-innovative activity of high school
  • Sozaeva T.Kh., Zhantudueva Kh.M., Baysultanov A.S. North Caucasus federal district in terms of modernization of economic development


  • Pavlov K.V. Influencing of intensification of production on economic evaluation of natural resources
  • Mitrofanova I.V., Tsulaya I.N. The mechanism of strategic management of social and economic development of mesoterritories of Russia
  • Rastvortseva S.N., Grineva N.A. About the monitoring of regional development efficiency management
  • Ledeneva M.V. On the essence and indicators of internationaltrade exchange equivalence
  • Neklyudova N.P. Selecting labor immigrants through points system as a mechanism of human capital accumulation in the region (by the example of Sverdlovsk region)
  • Pryanikov R.V. Evaluation of development major economic sectors in the region


  • Yurzinova I.L. The role of regional fiscal policies in the financial recovery of the economy

Social sphere

  • Smolyacov U.I., Medvedeva I.A. Development of a social infrastructure of region
 28(85) - 2010 October

Priorities of Russia

  • Beketov N.V., Yakovleva N.I. Development of national innovative system and prospect of technological development of the Russian economy
  • Dvortsova E.N. Problems and Possibilities of Formation of the Economy of the coastal Territories of Russia (on the example of Kamchatski Krai)


  • Turgel I.D., Kuritseva J.E. Territories of Kizelovsky of coal basin: ten years after restructing
  • Kurakov A.L. Improvement of planning and prognostication of development of economy as the necessary condtion of its modernization
  • Nikulina O.V., Shevchenko K.I. Management of innovative development of the plant facilities in the conditions of forming the innovative cluster in the region
  • Golyshev M.A. Method of measuring the regional socio-economic development


  • Rusetskaya E.A., Aksenenko E.V. Problems and prospects of the estimation of quality of the mediko-social help at realization of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation and its regions on health protection in system of medical insurance
  • Abadjiev F.F. The economic maintenance ecologically the sustainable development of cities

Foreign experience

  • Tkachenko M.F. Foreign experience of forming of system of employment administration in the conditions of globalization
 29(86) - 2010 November

Priorities of Russia

  • Edronova V.N., Solovyeva N.V. The intergrated assessment of socioeconomic regional development level on the basis of extracting the most effective factors
  • Sirazetdinov R.M., Zaynullina D.R. The necessity of the regional economy innovative formation by activization of investment and construction activity (the example of Republic of Tatarstan)
  • Skirnevskaya V.B. The national projects as a priority form of the program reproach realization to economic development (on the example of Kemerovo region)


  • Pavlov K.V., Ilin Yu.A. Estimation of influencing of system of consumer cooperation on development of agrarian economy (on example of Udmurt Republic)
  • Vavulin D.A., Fedotov V.N. About some disproportions of social and economic development of regions of Russia
  • Leontyeva V.V. Comparative assessment of the level of economic development of rural territories of the Altai region


  • Klimovà N.V. Estimation of tax loading of region
  • Tarkhanov O.V. Food safety: a condition, problems and decisions


  • Fonova O.V. Increase of efficiency of expenses of the regional budget on initial and average vocational training in the conditions of financial crisis
 30(87) - 2010 November

Priorities of Russia

  • Industrial and investment potential of the Yaroslavl region: priorities and prospects (online press-conference the Governor of Yaroslavl Region S.A. Vakhrukov in the news agency RBC)
  • Kirpichev V.V. Ñross-border migration as a source reproduction of labor resources and factors of human capital accumulation
  • Harisova G.M., Sirazetdinov R.M., Beloborodova M.A. Investment development of the noncommercial housing organizations - world experience and prospects in Russia
  • Yudina E.V. Problems and perspectives of innovative development in Ulyanovsk region


  • Ugryumova A.A., Kostyakova S.M. Features of investment in the manufacturing industry of modern economy of the Russian Federation
  • Zheltonosov V.M., Tyufanov V.A., Zheltonosov V.V. Informational-infrastructure stipulation of development Russian financial system
  • Akhmadieva G.G. Management efficiency by socio-economic development of oil economic area of Republic of Tatarstan


  • Iljina L.I. The role of consumer’s cooperation of North-West region in the realization of the Russian food safety doctrine
  • Zemskova E.S., Gorin V.A. The income difference's as an impediment for model formation of innovation economic growth
  • Roschupkina V.V. Possibilities of maintenance of budgetary-tax independence of region

Social sphere

  • Laricheva E.A., Sklyar E.N. The analysis of a condition of a labour market of the Bryansk region and prospects of its development
 31(88) - 2010 November

Priorities of Russia

  • Algina M.V., Bodnar V.A. Innovation audit functions in the management innovating system of Russian industrial enterprises
  • Tkachenko M.F. Effects of international trade liberalization for domestic labour market


  • Frolov D.P., Trubina V.S., Mirzoyev R.S. Theoretical bases of the steady spatial developments of sfo’s regions Þæíîãî ôåäåðàëüíîãî îêðóãà
  • Fedorova L.A. Technology independence suddenly indicator of the level steadiness development the high technology manufactures
  • Mokhnachev K.S. The part of legal regulation at the development of innovation enterprise


  • Markaryan V.R., Zaema E.M. Foreign policy of during the global crisis and its impact on the balance of payments
  • Filin S.A. Evaluation and management of the knowledge capital

Social sphere

  • Savina T.N. Role of social partnership in conditions of modernization of the Russian economy


  • Abadjiev F.F. The concept of ecological and economic strategies of large cities
 32(89) - 2010 November


  • Kalinnikov V.T. North and the Arctic - a zone of strategic interests of Russia


  • Larichkin F.D., Fadeev A.M., Gkushchenko Yu.G., Ibrokhim Azim, Ivanov M.A. Methodology of economic analyses of functioning and development of socio-economic systems
  • Bashmakova Å.P., Zalkind L.Î., Stepanova E.N. Institutional surroundings of development perspectives of Russian North
  • Serova N.A. Institutional limitations to formation and realization of socio-economic policy in Russian northern cities
  • Larichkin F.D., Vorobyov A.G., Glushchenko Yu.G., Ibrokhim Azim, Perein V.N., Ivanov M.A. The theory and pricing practice on production of complex processing of mineral raw materials


  • Selin V.S., Pavlov K.V. Sectoral and regional features of the use of investments of intensive type
  • Vasiliev A.M., Kuranov Y.F., Zatheeva V.A. Substantiation of modernization guidelines of the fisheries of the European North of Russia for ensuring national interests
  • Tsukerman V.A., Goryachevskaya E.S. Innovation approaches to exploitation of mineral resources and life support of the North and Arctic regions
  • Biyev A.A. The fuel and energy resources supply system formation in the Murmansk region
  • Grushenko E.B. Evaluation of the tourist-recreational potential and the factors furthering investment and tourism attractiveness in the western Arctic
  • Maretskiy Yu.A. Problems of functioning of agricultural production in the European North of Russia and the main strategic directions of its development
  • Serova V.A. Issues of transport provision of the North: the social aspect
  • Shpak A.V. Challenges and prospects of forming transport-logistics schemes in the North


  • Didyk V.V., Emelyanova E.E. The impact of the global crisis on socio-economic situation of urban settlements of Russian High North
  • Ulchenko M.V. Criteria of economic safety of northern regions under the conditions of growing economic instability
  • Barasheva T.I. Increase of financial provision of northern territories as a factor of strengthening national safety of Russian
  • Gushchina I.A., Dovidenko A.V. Publik opinion as anti - corruption efficiency indicator (by the results of sociological surveys in the Murmansk region)
  • Kotomin A.B. The role of nothern regions in rf energy safety ensuring
  • Kobylinskaya G.V., Chapargina A.N. Estimation of investment activity of savings of the population in Northwest federal district
  • Kharitonova G.N., Alieva T.E. The state mechanism of ensuring ecological safety in the Arctic zone of Russia
  • Touinova S.S. Priorities of the alternative energy policy and economic safety
 33(90) - 2010 December

Priorities of Russia

  • Skobleva E.I. Structure and categories of system modernization of higher professional education
  • Urbanovich A.R. Priorities of development of regional social and economic system Hunts-Mansijskogo of autonomous region


  • Pavlov K.V. Conditions and factors of the optimal management of long-term development in economical systems
  • Sukhova S.A. Priorities for the formation of infrastructure of small and medium business
  • Azhimov T.Z. Venture capital - the necessary resource of development of innovative economy


  • Sadkov V.G., Grekov I.E. About distortion of the government budget sizes in the course of the market transformations, the insufficient monetization of economy and key directions of anti-recessionary strategy of Russia
  • Andreeva N.V., Alexandrova E.N., Neghigaj A.V. Preconditions and restrictions of development of military-indastrial complex of Russia: priorities of state policy
  • Vlasenko M.N., Unizhaev N.V. Information-analytical maintenance of acceptance of administrative decisions - the significant factor of increase of economic safety of managing subjects in the conditions of development of market system of managing

Social sphere

  • Kornienko E.V. The probleem of socialization of manadement of managers labour motivation
 34(91) - 2010 December

Priorities of Russia

  • Moskalets A.A. Regulatory support of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: Status and Prospects
  • Ìolochnikov N.R., Ponomareva T.G. Competitive relationship as a mechanism for the connection and the realization of growth factors
  • Mutalimov V.A. The factors affecting technological progress and efficiency of basic knowledge on the economic security of the country


  • Orlenko L.P. Modernization of the economy in Russia: issues status and prospects (Or how to meet President of Russia?)
  • Mitrofanova I.V., Starokozheva G.I., Ghukov A.N. The North Caucasus: district strategy is confirmed, but search of priorities proceeds
  • Lavrova V.V. Project financing development as a method of maintenance investment activity in the regions of Russia in a time of financial


  • Ahmeduev A.Sh., Abdulaeva Z.Z. Problems and mechanisms of providing economic safety òhe Republic of Dagestan
  • Ustinovich E.S. Building of a legal system of information activity of federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation


  • Lipinà S.A. Prospects of formation of a touristic-recreational complex in republics of the North Caucasus
  • Volkov S.K. The tourism industry of the Volgograd region: the analysis strong and weaknesses
  • Gordienko D.V. Impact of world financial-economic crisis on influence of China’s economic safety rate
 35(92) - 2010 December

Priorities of Russia

  • Manylov I.E. Pressing questions of the state registration of the rights to real estate
  • Khrustalev Ye.Yu. Conceptual approach to the analysis of economic military security of the state
  • Chuvakova S.G. The analysis of economic welfare in modern Russia


  • Davankov A.J., Korotina N.J. Theory and methodology socio-economic development of the region based on the ecology
  • Kabashkin V.À., Poteryaev A.Ì. Main advantages of concessions in a modern economy of Russia
  • Minakov A.V., Kovalevich M.K. Problems of management and budget planning in Russian Federation


  • Gordienko D.V. Impact of world financial-economic crisis on influence of Russia’s economic safety rate
  • Khrupachev A.G., Khadartsev A.A., Kamenev L.I., Panova I.V., Sedova O.A. The methodological concept of professional risk and its quantitative estimate
 36(93) - 2010 December

Priorities of Russia

  • Antufiev S.V. Socio-economic development Cmolenskoy area: problems, advantages and prospects
  • Pestrjakova T.P. System of the state order: experience and development prospects
  • Vdovina S.D. Role and place of priority national project "Health" in development of regional market medical equipment


  • Khrustalev Ye.Yu., Strelnikova I.A. Development of the Investment Strategy of High-tech Enterprise and the Methodology of Point Rating System for Estimation of its Effectiveness
  • Tarkhanov O.V. Management of the rural economics
  • Lavrikov V.I. Integration processes in agribusiness as a system of factors stabilization and growth of agricultural production

Foreign economic activity

  • Zhao Xin Economic and trade cooperation between Heilongjiang province of China and Russia


  • Ahmeduev A.Sh. On the economic breakthrough in the North Caucasus, «growth points» and the threat of stagnation
  • Startsev G.V. The system approach to formation of mechanisms of suppression of channels of financing of terrorism from a position of economic safety
  • Prokhorova V.V. The intensification of development of regional economic sistem under the conditions of instability of economics

Foreign experience

  • Zhilkina J.V. Analysis of relations between the United States and the European Union in the modern world

A list of materials published

  • A list of materials published in the journal «National Interests: Priorities and Security» in 2010 year

ISSN 2311-875X (Online)
ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 20, Iss. 7
July 2024
