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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Trends and challenges the organization organize retail food trade big city

Vol. 10, Iss. 19, MAY 2014

Available online: 11 May 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 40-45

Nekrasova L.V. Kursk Institute of Social Education (branch of Russian State Social University), Kursk, Russian Federation
nekrasova.65.@ mail.ru

Andreeva E.S. Kursk Institute of Social Education (branch of Russian State Social University), Kursk, Russian Federation

Urban expansion intensity is characterized by high turnover of commercial real estate; disparities in infrastructure service sector that impact on convenience of living in a city and life quality at the present stage. The article presents the research results of the trading network of the city of Kursk in 2009 and 2011, where existing techniques and methods of statistical comparative analysis were harmoniously complemented by author's method based on geo-information modeling techniques and analysis. The approach to assessment of development allows showing the advantage of the suggested method and possibility of application.

Keywords: retail trade, accommodation of enterprises, provision of population of area of trade objects, geo marketing research


  1. Andreeva E.S. Rezul'taty primeneniia prostranstvenno-vesovogo zonirovaniia v tseliakh optimizatsii gorodskoi torgovoi seti s uchetom faktorov, vliiaiushchikh na razmeshchenie torgovykh predpriiatii [Results of application of space-weight zoning to optimize the municipal trade network according to the factors influence on trade enterprises placement]. Uchenye zapiski RGSUScientific notes of RGSU, 2011, no. 6, pp. 124–129.
  2. Federal Law “On Fundamentals of public regulation of trade activity” of December 28, 2009, № 381-FZ. (In Russ.)
  3. Development of the consumer market. Available at: Link. (In Russ.)
  4. Statisticheskii ezhegodnik Kurskoi oblasti. 2012: ctatisticheskii sbornik [Statistical Yearbook of the Kursk region. 2012: Statistical collection]. Territorial authority of the Federal statistics service in the Kursk region. Kursk, 2012. 440 p.

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ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)

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June 2024
