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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Sovereign fund as an instrument of macroeconomic regulation

Vol. 10, Iss. 28, JULY 2014

Available online: 18 July 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 25-35

Alektorskaya M.M. Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man, Dubna, Moscow region, Russian Federation

Pakhomov A.V. Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man, Dubna, Moscow region, Russian Federation

Pakhomova E.A. Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man, Dubna, Moscow region, Russian Federation

In this article we are studying a sovereign fund institution as a complex system: a structured approach was based on the model of macroeconomic equilibrium of the three balances IS-LM-BP (balance of goods, money balance, the country’s balance of payments), and as for the functional approach, we used econometric tools for the sovereign wealth fund of Norway as the case study.

Keywords: sovereign wealth fund, government, complex system, modeling, macroeconomic balance, balance of goods, money balance, balance of payments, regression analysis, Koyck method


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