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National Interests: Priorities and Security

The primordial synthetism of society as the conversion factor of the Soviet system

Vol. 10, Iss. 33, SEPTEMBER 2014

Available online: 30 August 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 47-59

Zakharov V.K. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Kovalenko S.G. Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of Far East Division of RAS, Vladivostok, Russian Federation

The article deals with the study of the link between the socio-psychological factors and the transformation of society. The authors consider such a socio-psychological factor, as the primordial synthetic character of society and also examine its influence on the sustainability of society and the transformation of society. In order to highlight this fact, the paper at the outset considers the basis of the unifying (synthetic) view of the world and its genesis. Based on this, the authors introduce such concepts as a type, stereotype and archetype of being within a given society and accordingly, generalizing the personality archetype concept, which was introduced by Karl Jung. The type of being is associated with its memorable image (meme). The article considers the inducing effects of the meme on the reproduction of the type of being and the sum of all types of being, which were implemented or being implemented by the particular society, as it presented the essence (the format), and a set of memes of all types of being and considered as the primordial essence (mentality) of the society. The primordial essence is the invariant of the society on long-time intervals. The authors demonstrate that each society is inherently synthetic in the sense that the primordial essence of each modern society constitutes the evolutionarily coherent connection (fusion) of the three primordial entities: biologic, bio-sociological and social ones. The paper points out that in case that any society arbitrarily creates the conditions that are contrary to the original syncretic essence, than such society proves to be fragile and is prone to the destructive changes. The authors discuss the developed conceptual apparatus, which is applied to analyze the nature of the Soviet society. The paper demonstrates that the Soviet society originally comprised the destructive contradiction between the proclaimed phenomenal entity of the society and its effective original being that had manifested itself as the arbitrary created social neo-types of being, which contradicted the causative biological, bio-social and social arch-memes. Using the historical material, the authors trace to what extent the change of the ideology attitudes of the Soviet society was taking place with the availability of the aforementioned controversy and under the decisive influence of the biological, social and arch-memes.

Keywords: Jungian archetypes, being archetype, being archetype meme, societal phenomenal being, primordial societal essence, synthetic character, socio-psychological factor, societal stability, ideological guidelines


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