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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

International experience of tax incentive for innovation small business and the possibilities of its use in Russia

Vol. 10, Iss. 35, SEPTEMBER 2014

Available online: 21 September 2014

Subject Heading: Foreign experience

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 51-58

Filippova N.A. Ogarev Mordovia National Research State University, Saransk, Russian Federation

Sozdaeva O.Yu. Ogarev Mordovia National Research State University, Saransk, Russian Federation

The article deals with the peculiarities of taxation of small innovative business in Russia and in the economically developed countries. The authors point out that the flexibility and dynamism of the overseas small business in every possible way is encouraged and supported, including through taxation. It is no coincidence that expanding the role of small businesses in the innovation process assumes the universal trend. Thus, at the present time, the proportion of small innovation companies in the developed countries accounts for up to 30% of the volume of research and development, i.e. up to 20% of all new innovations. This article considers the limitations of the application of the simplified system of taxation for small innovative enterprises in the Russian Federation, and also designates the main obstacles to innovation. Among them is the lack of a law, which governs the innovation of small businesses in the Russian Federation; the lack of strong fiscal incentives for innovation; lack of financial support from the State, along with the high cost of innovation and the low effective demand for new products. The paper emphasizes that there are also high economic risk and long-term return on innovation; low demand of small innovative business; difficulties in obtaining bank credits; the complexity of the acquisition of the premises and their high rents; lack of skilled human resources for managers and accountants. The paper draws the conclusion and makes the recommendations on the feasibility of the application of the experience of developed countries in the modern conditions of Russia. For example, the China's experience serves as demonstrative example of successful innovation policy, particularly for small and medium business development. The effective use of scientific and technological capabilities and high profits from innovation are provided by a high degree of legal security in the transfer of technology; the tax system, which ensures the tax exempts of small enterprises engaged in the development of new technologies; the system of the concessional lending and financial support for small businesses. The authors emphasize that this experience will be very useful for our country.

Keywords: Keywords: investment activity, business, tax, experience, foreign countries, small innovative enterprises, simplified taxation system


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