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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The emergence of internal threats: the inextricable link of economic and socio-psychological security

Vol. 10, Iss. 37, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 8 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 39-47

Krutikov V.K. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Kaluga Branch, Kaluga, Russian Federation

Zaitsev Yu.V. Institute of Management, Business and Technology, Kaluga, Russian Federation

Ogai G.R. Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering of National Research Nuclear University, Branch of Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, Obninsk, Russian Federation

Using the Kaluga region case, the article explores the process of occurrence of the internal threats, which are evident when attracting foreign investment in a constituent territory of the Federation in the real socio-economic life of the region. The authors discuss the reasons, which encourage a part of the population to perform the actions associated with the attempt to bring the solutions of the region's problems to the level of the Federal authorities. Thus, it creates the negative stereotypes of the socio-psychological behavior for the residents of other constituent territories of the Russian Federation. The paper reveals that the clash of interests of the executive authorities of a particular constituent territory of the Russian Federation and the part of the population, which represents the interests of small business, is related to the adoption of sketchy statutory and regulatory enactments at the different levels of government. There are also facts associated with non-professional implementation of the adopted decisions, when implementation of the proper and sound plans is hampered by their inept execution. The authors used the modern concepts and systems of the scientific views on the national security in general, as well as the regional security, in particular, which serve as a theoretical and methodological basis of the research. The paper uses a system approach, which enables to consider the dialectical unity of providing the security processes at the national, regional, and personal levels. The authors used the scientific methods of cognition, such as an analysis, synthesis, as well as historical, economic and logical methods, and also the statistical methods of data processing. The article formulates the idea that the implementation of major socio-economic changes leads to the exacerbation of conflicts, and it may cause protests. Therefore, the authors emphasize that it is necessary to take into account all peculiarities of the development of the territories, historical traditions, distribution of benefits, and impact of the internal and external factors. Therefore, the authors underlie that under no circumstances the authorities should rely on the administrative force only, while ignoring the laws of the market in the implementation of integrated perspective development. The authors point out that in order to implement the balanced development of the territory it is necessary to reconsider the approaches to realization of the strategy based on the use of external resources. Such a strategy carries the uncertainties related to the complete dependence on the investment and threats to the security of the region. The paper considers that the stimulation of the economic growth undertaken by paying the high price of debt and overspending of funds should be avoided. The authors have developed the academic and research propositions and recommendations aimed at the sophistication of the strategy for enhancing of the economic security in close relationship with its socio-psychological security of the region taking into account the specifics of the territories.

Keywords: region, investment attractiveness, foreign capital, protests, economic security, social-psychological security, Kaluga region, National Front


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