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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Topical issues on the economic security of the Union State

Vol. 10, Iss. 37, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 8 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 48-53

Zueva A.S. Moscow Humanities Institute named after E.R. Dashkova, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The problem of ensuring the economic security of the Union State assumes prominence in the conditions of integration of Russia and Belarus. The urgency of studying the problem of ensuring the economic security of the Union State is determined by the fact that until now the consideration of the security issues, despite some methodological and practical success, has not been based on the system principles.
     Objectives As a part of the study, I formulated the goal that is to consider the topical problems of ensuring the economic security of the Union State. Given the defined objectives, I try to solve the following tasks: statement of a problem related to the development of the concept of economic security of the Union State; study of simulation as a method of studying the mechanism of creation of the system of economic security of the Union State; coverage of the main economic-mathematical models; improvement of the methodology of formation of the concept of economic security of the member States of the Union State; description of a methodological approach to the formation of the concept of economic security of the Union State.
     Methods I present a methodological approach to the formation of the system of economic security of the member States of the Union State. I identify the basic methods of an economic analysis that can be used in creating a model of economic security of the Union State.
     Results I have developed the proposals on the modeling of the concept of economic security of the Union State.
     Conclusions and Relevance I make a conclusion that it is necessary to apply a methodological approach to the creation of the system of economic security of the Union State, which is determined by defining the complex of methods, which are determined by the peculiarities of the member States. I consider that the prepared model representation of the concept of economic security of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus will enable in the future to form a more detailed approach to the issue of adoption of this act at the interstate level.

Keywords: concept, economic security, Union State, threats, inter-state association


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