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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

A labor market of the national economy (theoretical and methodological aspects)

Vol. 10, Iss. 38, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 13 October 2014

Subject Heading: Economic theory

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 45-55

Zolin I.E. Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Importance The modern economic science, until now, has not yet fully equipped the economic practice with the scientific knowledge relative to the effective theory of the labor market. This significantly narrows the range of the main objectives of the national socio-economic policy, and in practical terms, it leads to the neglect of the objective laws of the labor market development, and, ultimately, to its unsufficient maturity. I consider that this underlines again the theoretical importance of the issue, and it determines the relevance of the indicated theme.
     Objectives The present paper is aimed at developing the theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of modern labor market, carrying out a comprehensive, systematic theoretical analysis of the problems of its formation and stabile functioning in the environment of the market relations development of Russia.
     Methods The fundamental tenets of an economic theory, as well as the decision on the functioning of the labor market adopted by the State power authorities serve as the methodological basis for the study of the given problematics. As the premise, I have used the methodological developments and theories of foreign and domestic scholars on this issue, which stimulate the research idea in this direction. The methods of the structural and logical, systematic, comparative analysis, as well as the expert assessments occupy an important place in the methodological provision of the proposed research. The analysis resulted in clarifying of the categorical system describing the modern labor market in terms of methodology, the structural-dynamic and predictive contents. I propose a theoretical and methodological approach to the development of a new vision of the labor market and full employment policy.
     Results and Relevance The results may be used in the activities of public authorities at the federal and regional level for the designing of the programs related to the further development of the labor market and for prevention of unemployment. Besides, the results can be used in the educational process of the high educational establishments of economic and administrative profile: during lectures and seminars, the development of training and methodical manuals, and the preparation of graduate qualification works and research projects.

Keywords: labor, market, unemployment, salary, workforce, population, employment, manpower


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