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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The responsibility of municipal employees as part of measures to implement the national anti-corruption Plan in the national security system of the Russian Federation

Vol. 10, Iss. 39, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 14 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 50-60

Muravchenko V.B. Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies, Omsk, Russian Federation

The article considers the topical issues of the application of disciplinary, civil, administrative, criminal measures of the responsibility of municipal employees aimed at the prevention of corruption on the part of the State using the monitoring of the property status of municipal employees and persons employed in municipal offices. The author identifies the main reasons, which contribute to the manifestations of corruption at the municipal level: the existence of the administrative barriers, lack of the transparency of the legal framework and the activity of the local self-government authorities, the insufficient level of professionalism of the individuals holding municipal offices and positions of municipal services, the lack of the mechanisms aimed at involving the people in active anti-corruption activities. The author traces a history of the development of municipal employees' responsibilities within the current legislation. The paper provides an analysis of the documents establishing the responsibility measures of the municipal employees directed at the preventive maintenance of corruption, realization of the monitoring the property status of municipal employees. The article identifies the main moments pertaining the legislative regulation in the given area. The paper considers the system of measures aimed at attracting public and municipal servants to combat corruption in the following areas: attracting public and municipal employees to participate in the discussion and development of the legal regulations on the issues to combat corruption; promoting the participation of the State and municipal employees in the work of the structural units of the HR services for the prevention of corruption and other offenses, and commissions to comply with the requirements of the conduct of the officials and the settlement of conflict of interests, which perform the functions of combating corruption; stimulation of the State and municipal officials to provide information on the disclosed cases of corruption offenses, violations of the requirements of the conduct of the official persons, situations associated with the conflict of interest; education of public and municipal employees on the issues of anti-corruption topics and methodological support of their professional activities. The paper determines the influence of the federal legislation on the formation of the municipal legal acts in the area to counteract corruption. The author comes to a conclusion that the perfection of the legislative regulation in the field to counteract corruption should be carried out with the aim to enhance the State's monitoring of the property status of the municipal employees.

Keywords: anti-corruption, enforcement, plan, responsibility, guilt, corrective action, offence, official duties, service investigation, official offence, material accountability, damage


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