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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Security of person as a new turn in understanding the security policy

Vol. 10, Iss. 40, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 25 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 43-56

Konyshev V.N. St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

In the modern world, the task of the accord balance of the safety of an individual (public group) and security of society as a whole, organized in the form of the State, is long overdue. The traditional security policy, which is based on the priority protection of the national security, requires reconsideration. The paper provides a brief overview of the evolution and development of the personal safety concept, and assesses the existing definitions of personal security. The article also presents the different perspectives on the problem of legal assistant security. The author conducts a critical analysis of one of the radical options of the security concept revision, which is offered to the representatives of the "post-positivist wave" in the political science. The paper provides the main provisions of the securitization theory, the analysis of the security problems from the point of view of the theory of securitization and post-positivism in general. The author comes to a conclusion that the interpretation of the safety problem provided by the representatives of the post-positivism presupposes a normative shift in the study of the safety problems in general: the security of person (public group) in place of the national and State interests assumes the main policy objective. The author underlines that the problem of the security assistant requires the solution not through the line of contraposition of an individual and the State, as it suggested by the representatives of the post-positivism, but on the way of searching of harmonious combination of the interests of the security of the individual and society, which is organized within the frameworks of the State. The paper points out in an unbiased manner that now it is time to overcome the State-centric view of the security problem, but it is possible only on the basis of a holistic view of international development, which would encompasses the person, the State and the international system. The author underlines that here, particularly, lies the main methodological problem, but not in the radical negation of the State as the security assistant.

Keywords: personal security, post-positivism, security assistant


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Vol. 20, Iss. 6
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