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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Agricultural insurance in the country's food security

Vol. 10, Iss. 42, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 1 November 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 43-54

Makhdieva Yu.M. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation

Importance Food security is an important component of the national security of any country, and it plays a key role in ensuring a decent quality of life. In the system of measures of food security, the insurance, which contributes to the financial health of farms and ensuring the continuity of agricultural production, takes a special place. In this regard, it requires an early adoption of effective measures to enhance the effectiveness of agricultural insurance as a means of real safeguarding of the interests of the participants of agricultural production.
     Objectives The article aims to analyze the current status of agricultural insurance in Russia, and identify the areas of its development.
     Methods The paper substantiates that the availability of the developed system of agricultural insurance should be considered as an essential condition to ensure the country's food security. I have made an analysis of indicators of agricultural insurance development in Russia. The methods of a comparative analysis, methods of logical knowledge and methods based on the principles of reasoning allowed me to determine the key development issues of agricultural insurance, to identify factors that have a decisive influence on the development of the main types of agricultural insurance in Russia.
     Results The evaluation of the analysis results of agricultural insurance development in Russia leads to the conclusion that the current system of agricultural insurance with the State support is not considered as an effective mechanism to protect the interests of agricultural producers. The share of insured acreage and the number of insured farmers diminishes, the cost of insurance continues to increase, and the insurance premiums coefficient tends to reduction. In addition, there is still no mechanism to ensure transparency in the system of agricultural insurance with the State support, which allows minimizing the possibility to use "gray" schemes in this segment.
     Conclusions and Relevance As one of the best options to reform the risk insurance system for agricultural producers, I propose a model of organization of the agricultural insurance system on the basis of public-private partnerships and a combination of the principles of binding authority and gratuitousness.

Keywords: economic risk, agricultural producer, agricultural insurance, State support, modern state, problems, development trends


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