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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Innovative educational technology: the SIFO project as the concept of alternative organization and educational and industrial practices in higher education institutions of Russia

Vol. 10, Iss. 43, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 2 November 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 50-62

Kanchukoev V.O. Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russian Federation

Importance The article indicates the need for the education system, conditional upon the needs of the modern knowledge economy development. On the one hand, the innovation development of sectors urgently requires careful preparation of corresponding specialists, on the other hand, the main dominants of the national institute of education determines the socially oriented vector. The required change in the education system should be carried out with high efficiency and within a short time, using all the available reserves and opportunities.
     Objectives I am analyzing the current problems in technology and methodological foundations of educational and production processes in the Russian institutions of higher education, and my paper outlines the ways to solve the specified problems.
     Methods In particular, I propose to use the developed SIFO project, which implements the concept of alternative innovation and breakthrough organization of practical training of highly qualified personnel (bachelors, specialists, masters and postgraduate students) using the information and telecommunication technologies and remote technologies (ITTRT), and methodological and methodical tools, banks of practice bases and databases (BPBD) of the special simulation firms and organizations (SIFO) - virtual business entities of the economy, organizations and institutions of government and other enterprises, which are formed by institutions and faculties of the Russian institutions of higher education. To provide additional education and production services, I proposed to use the specially designed stand-alone non-profit organizations - ñenters for additional educational and production SIFO services.
     Results I came to a conclusion that the innovative technologies and the overall potential embedded in the mechanism of realization of the SIFO project will allow institutions of higher education to obtain real and legitimate reasons to enhance the quality and effectiveness of additional educational and production services.
     Conclusions and Relevance I emphasize that it will be facilitated by obtaining the relevant monetary funds for additional alternative educational and production services to organize and conduct practices at the level of current imperative, which are based on the scientific and technological achievements of the leading global institutions of higher educations.

Keywords: education, economics, innovation, technology, high-qualified personnel training, educational productive practices, Russian higher educational institutions, information, telecommunication, remote sensing technologies, methodological tools, methodic tools, SIFO, special simulation companies, virtual business entities


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