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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Structural and institutional constraints and the adequacy of responses to new challenges

Vol. 10, Iss. 44, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 29 November 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 42-51

Krutikov V.K. Institute of Management, Business and Technology, Kaluga, Russian Federation

Zaitsev Yu.V. Institute of Management, Business and Technology, Kaluga, Russian Federation

Dorozhkina T.V. Institute of Management, Business and Technology, Kaluga, Russian Federation

The article considers the historical and economic parallels of the Russian socio-economic system and domestic and international business development from the perspective of ethics. The authors present the main provisions of A.D. Sakharov's concept of convergence, which integrate all positive notions, adopted from the socialism and capitalism systems, and which overcome their fundamental flaws. The paper demonstrates strong positive examples of the modern innovation entrepreneurial activities of innovators - S. Jobs and B. Loiseau, who override the laws of money-grubbing, and who elevated the humanity to a new civilizational level. The article describes S. Jobs as a person, who connected technology and business ethics, and who displayed maximalism in work and minimalism in his personal life, as well as the ability to predict the consumer's dream. The paper also demonstrates the abilities of B. Loiseau to bring to business the modern innovative approaches, courage, innovation that helped to create a rich heritage of culinary traditions and secrets in restaurant business. The authors attempted to disclose the modern problems related to the structural and institutional constraints to the Russian development. They also analyzed the causes, which hamper the Government Concept 2020 realization resulting from inadequate measures to diversify the economy. The paper considers the features of import substitution policy implementation in the conditions of external and internal challenges, which are connected on the one hand, with unethical, opportunistic behavior of large capital, and on the other hand, with the unity of the nation as a response to the threats. The article proposes the measures for the formation of the State policies promoting the small and medium business ethical development, as well as mass participation of citizens in solving of the country's socio-economic problems. The authors propose the potential of "social tone" realization as the supporting structure of the national dream embodiment, ensuring the security and a stable and innovation development of Russia.

Keywords: convergence concept, new civilizational level, innovators, national dream, business ethics, structural constraints, institutional constraints, external challenges, internal challenges, import substitution policy


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