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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Distributed self-organizing system of innovation projects management as a method for implementing open innovation

Vol. 10, Iss. 46, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 6 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 15-24

Troshin D.V. Institute of Problems of Economic Security and Strategic Planning of Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Vorozhikhin V.V. Institute of Problems of Economic Security and Strategic Planning of Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance In the present-day conditions, the selection of innovative development of the Russian economy is the most burning issue to enhance the innovative activities of economic agents and to create favorable conditions for their development as innovators. For this purpose, we propose a method and tools for the efficient implementation of innovation potential.Objectives The purpose is to support innovation on the basis of use of the personal and professional communications of innovators and stakeholders using network functionality and automation of the processes of accumulation and use of knowledge.Methods The article describes the formation of a single information field that supports the development of an innovation-based automated control system. We substantiate the creation of a self-organizing knowledge space and self-organizing project teams for the development and adaptive management of innovation projects, the so called open innovation. The article describes the design of creation and development of the system, including its objectives, functions, principles of operation and development, composition, and the basic operation scenarios. The implementation of the system will make it possible to reduce the barriers of innovation development by increasing the density of connections between stakeholders, forming a comprehensive description of innovative proposals and providing access to them, the interactive exchange of information on emerging issues. In addition, the offered mechanisms for determining the participants' ratings, models and other objects and entities of the system, the accumulation of knowledge allow realizing a self-development system. There is no limit on the number of development centers in the proposed system. Their influence should be determined depending on objectively created ratings. Results The findings of the article, in practical terms, can significantly improve the effectiveness of the national innovation system and fill in the missing or fix uncompetitive links of the innovation chain. Conclusions and Relevance The proposed model provides the possibility of the flexible formation of megaprojects on the basis of completed and the most significant innovation projects, as well as their management through the redistribution of the resources and time of implementation of the individual components.

Keywords: innovation project, information system, expert, model, verification, knowledge base, user


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