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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

A State innovation meta-project as an instrument for building innovation economy

Vol. 10, Iss. 47, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 8 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 11-20

Troshin D.V. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance Despite the made efforts, the transition to the Russian innovation economy is dragging out. The main emphasis of the State innovation policy is made on the formation of institutions and development of fiscal measures. Social and cultural factors are considered insufficiently. All this leads to low efficiency of innovation policy. To solve the problem, I propose to establish and implement a State innovation meta-project.
     Objectives The article substantiates the viability of the use of a meta-project as an instrument for consolidating the efforts of economic agents to solve the innovation development problems taking into account the specifics of the formation of inner motivation of innovation projects' participants.
     Methods The research is based on the system analysis using the provisions of the methodology of strategic planning, axiology and behaviorism. Innovation passivity is determined by the conservatism of economic agents and prevailing focus on simple acquisition, rather than meticulous creation in economic activities. On the one hand, top management, being the main driver of innovation, does not demonstrate sufficient interest; on the other hand, the staff itself resists changes. This situation is caused by the loss of the meaning of activity in the current socio-economic realities, which stems from the Russian tradition at a metaphysical level. The national economics is more encouraged by major breakthrough projects, which drastically transform the reality. At the same time, leadership assumes a prominent place. Simultaneously, the need to reduce the technological gap and to protect environment dictates concentration of efforts on creating objectively useful public goods. The conjunction of cultural and social factors and strategic economic objectives lead to the feasibility of consolidation of creative and other resources of the country under the State innovation meta-project implemented through the State order in the form of a system of contracts. Its mandatory part encompasses communication technologies to form the public system of meanings and values, which correspond to creation and reasonable consumption.
     Results The meta-project will enable stimulating the creation of necessary innovation that will generate the social innovation environment.
     Conclusions and Relevance The meta-project should be promoted as a reasonable supplement to and possible stimulation of entrepreneurship. It should not suppress private initiative.

Keywords: innovation, meta-project, meaning, value, strategy, contract


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