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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Definition of the innovation development strategy of an industrial enterprise

Vol. 10, Iss. 48, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 18 December 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 11-24

Smol'yaninov K.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The paper deals with the issues of innovation capacity of industrial enterprises.
     Objectives My aim is to define the strategy of innovation development of an industrial enterprise on the basis of my matrix of choosing a strategy of innovation development. The tasks are to develop a matrix of choosing a strategy of innovation development of an industrial enterprise depending on already realized measures and a reserve of unrealized innovative capacity by means of comparing their level. I define the innovative capacity on the basis of the technique of assessing innovation capacity of an industrial enterprise.
     Methods To solve the task, I use the methods of logical, structural, comparative, technical and economic, economical and statistical analyses. The novelty of the study is developing a technique of assessing innovation potential on the basis of effective use of innovation potential and innovation culture of an enterprise that provide more effective achieving strategic objectives of its innovation development.
     Results I offer a uniquely designed algorithm of developing a strategy of innovation development of an industrial enterprise on the basis of assessing its innovative capacity in the modern conditions of innovative management of economy and a matrix of choosing a strategy of innovation development of an industrial enterprise. The paper provides an assessment of the efficiency of realization of the strategy of enterprises' innovation development from different sectors of economy on the basis of change in their realized innovative capacity owing to realization of strategy adopted by a respective enterprise.
     Conclusions and Relevance I offer a technique of assessing innovative capacity, which can be applied for an analysis and decision-making while assessing and comparing innovative opportunities of various enterprises, developing strategic programs of their innovative development, or choosing an innovative strategy. Besides, the findings may be useful for lending to enterprises, placing orders and tenders, awarding contracts for State program implementation, creating federal scientific centers, state-private partnerships, holdings, etc.

Keywords: Keywords: strategy, innovation development, industrial enterprise, matrix, assessment technique, innovative capacity


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