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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Subjective cost estimates of the living standards and life quality of households in the region

Vol. 11, Iss. 2, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 7 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 36-44

Podol'naya N.N. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation

Importance The article presents the research findings of the subjective assessment of incomes, required to ensure the decent living standards and life quality of households in the region (the Republic of Mordovia case study), in the context of institutional transformation of the Russian economy.
     Objectives I consider consumption as an area of implementation of package of characteristics that define the level and quality of life of the region's population. The review of household from the perspective of a basic consumer behavior represents the core of the research. The economic behavior of households implements all characteristics and contradictions of the regional system as a whole. As a subjective monetary estimate of the living standards and quality of households' life in the region, I used the views of households about the level of funds (calculated using per capita of one member of a household), which are necessary to meet their needs. The estimates were expressed by sequence characteristics of the quality of life: "very good", "good", and "satisfactory". The finding of the Rosstat surveys of household budgets, carried out regularly in our country, served as an information base of the research.
     Methods To achieve the goal, I have conducted a comparative dynamic and spatial analysis of the household income in the Volga Federal District in compliance with the specified criteria of living standards and quality of households' life.
     Results The combination of the descriptive analysis and the resulting synthesis of quantitative indicators allowed drawing conclusions about the current relationships and interdependencies in the formation of subjective valuations of the living standards and quality of households' life in the region.
     Conclusions and Relevance The research findings are of interest in the context of identifying the essence and regional specifics of the process of institutionalization of households in order to expand the information base for the development of economic and social policies in the region.

Keywords: living standards, life quality, income, consumption, individual, household, survey, region, structure, statistical methods


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Vol. 20, Iss. 6
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