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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The role of geopolitical factors in changing the national economy

Vol. 11, Iss. 3, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 18 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 12-28

Chernov V.A. Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Importance The article analyzes the key issues and factors of global reorganization, certain trends in global doctrines in the international and national policy and economy in the context of recent developments.
     Objectives The topic encompasses the global processes and geopolitics in terms of their impact on the national economy. I identify the reasons of the deepest changes in geopolitics and global economics, priorities of the national economy, and necessary changes in the national production.
     Methods As a methodological basis, I used the dialectical method with cause-and-effect relationship, induction and deduction, definition of global trends, identification and resolution of geopolitical conflict that determine the qualitative changes in the global world. Methodologically, the paper presents the basic tenets of the global economy, the laws of economic and social development. I analyzed the interests and motivation of the Western geopolitical forces, their propensity for radicalism, transformation of democracy into corporatocracy. I also investigated the causes of the rise of the Western democracy in the past and its destruction in the present environment. The paper provides an analysis of the ideology of eugenics, which is being absorbed by the transnational capital with its preference of national self-determination. The paper evaluates the main threats to the Russian economic development and sovereignty and provides recommendations to strengthen the economy and sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the conditions of growing pressure from the West. I provide arguments in favor of the need for change in the structure of domestic production, for organization of consumption, internal and external financial policy, international policy, and gold and foreign exchange reserves policy. The paper offers a key indicator of the quality of national economic development.
     Results The findings of the research may be addressed to the members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, the Government and the President of the Russian Federation for making decisions on strengthening the State and foreign economic policy. They also may be used by the readers who are concerned with the problems of the modern society.
     Conclusions and Relevance It is impossible to overcome the increased pressure of foreign policy, the economic pressure, and to enhance the national sovereignty without drastic measures aimed at developing industry and agriculture. The implementation of this policy will require increasing competitive advantage of enterprises and investment attractiveness of regions. I propose the ways of achieving the designated goals.

Keywords: transnational investments, investor geopolitical interests, key indicator, national economic development quality, global democracy crisis, corporatocracy, economic sanctions, import substitution, demoralization, national sovereignty threat, consumption culture, raw materials, competitive advantages, investment attractiveness


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Vol. 20, Iss. 6
June 2024
