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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Dependence of the world on the progressiveness of the tax scale income of individuals

Vol. 11, Iss. 5, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 1 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 45-66

Zakharov V.K. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Golikova E.I. National Research Nuclear University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Importance The paper examines the dependence of countries' prosperity on the progressivity of the scale of income taxation of individuals' profitability.
     Objectives We are considering such factors as per capita gross domestic product, average monthly wage, the Gini coefficient, the national debt, the share of gold in the international reserve assets. The paper determines the functional dependency of indicators of country's well-being on an income progressivity of tax rate by calculating correlation coefficients.
     Methods Along with the known initial welfare indices of the countries of the world, used by the UN statistics, the paper introduces the new initial index of progressivity of scale of taxation of income of individuals. On their basis, we introduce some new summary interval of social and economic indices, namely: the multi-factor Country Prosperity Indices and the multi-factor Country Flourishing Indices. These summary indices are calculated for the forty main countries of the world.
     Results An analysis of distributions of the main countries of the world according to the Prosperity Indices and the Flourishing Indices (for 2009-2012) shows that Russia and Brazil have near equal values of their Indices. And the both countries are almost in all distributions in two lower decimal parts of intervals of values of the corresponding indices. Besides, the paper has shown that there is positive linear-average dependence of the world countries prosperity on progressivity of the scale of taxation of income of individuals. Moreover, by means of calculation of correlation coefficients, we have shown that this linear-average dependence is substantially linear-functional one.
     Conclusions and Relevance We emphasize that flat scale of taxation of income of individuals, adopted in Russia, exerts negative influence on the country's prosperity.

Keywords: individual income tax, per capita gross internal product, average monthly salary, Gini coefficient, public debt, gold share, international reserve assets, progressivity index, taxation scale, individual income, summary indices, prosperity, wellbeing


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