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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

An optimization model to improve the quality of life in the region

Vol. 11, Iss. 6, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 7 February 2015

Subject Heading: Social sphere

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 27-35

Martyshenko S.N. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Vladivostok, Russian Federation

The quality of life of the population is a major indicator of the efficiency of the executive power in the regions. Quite a number of publications in national and international scientific journals analyze the diversity of approaches to the assessment of the quality of life of the regions, but studies on modeling and management indicators of quality of life are not so many. That is why, the development of optimization models of quality of life is very important. The main idea of the proposed optimization model is the synergetic effect of the accounting of various quality-of-life indicators change. The main difficulty of synergy management in socio-economic systems is that, at this stage, for these systems, there are no methods to objectively evaluate the level of internal energy, in contrast to the natural and economic systems that have adequate measurement and quantitative methods for assessing the internal capacity. The author also presents an optimization mathematical model that allows evaluating the effectiveness of the allocation of funds in the region with regard to the impact on the quality of life of the population of the region. The work contains methodological approaches to estimating the model parameters and the distribution of estimates of factors affecting quality of life, based on questionnaires of the Primorsky Krai residents. The author proposes a methodological approach to assessing the synergy indicators of quality of life that have been tested with the assistance of students from universities of Primorye. The considered optimization model can be built on the basis of generalized indicators of quality of life, and given the scale of the task to assess the indicators as an input does not require very high precision. This model allows one to structure and consolidate the views of experts in the various fields of the economy; it can estimate the assumed structure of distribution of funds in the region for the near future. The use of new tools of the analysis of administrative decisions is especially important for regions with a difficult demographic situation, for example, such as the Primorsky Krai.

Keywords: mathematical model, synergetic effect, quality of life, region, questionnaire


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