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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Institutional challenges to food security of Russia

Vol. 11, Iss. 6, FEBRUARY 2015

Available online: 7 February 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 44-53

Sukharev O.S. Institute of Economics of RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Various approaches to the identification and quantification of food security lead to ambiguity of public policies aimed at providing the population with food. A crucial point in this matter is a set of institutional environment: the rules for the measurement and valuation of food independence and regulations for the operation of agricultural land, the ownership of enterprises processing agricultural raw materials into food. The article highlights the main, in the author's opinion, institutional units to identify additional, yet unresolved, problems with food security. The paper generally considers the relative success in solving the food problem in the Russian Federation, determines the modes of change of food independence. It shows that the existing proposals to change the stereotype of a technique of an estimation of the level of food self-sufficiency do not mean a turnkey solution. Therefore, this wants to introduce a perspective of resource-based approach and evaluation not by aggregate, but by individual parameters characterizing the level of food security for each product line. The paper notes that food independence should be assessed for each product line, given the two components of independence and resource assessment, as well as the effectiveness of the institutions responsible for the development of this particular product direction. The article says that a large crop of wheat, for example, can ensure compliance with security regulations and bring additional income to be used for reinvestment in those product areas, where the standard of food security is not completed, however, private markets and the separation of the various segments of agriculture make the mobility of resources not always possible, especially in small rural firms. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each particular region.

Keywords: food security, institutional environment, food independence, criteria, evaluation method


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